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He reached out for the pendant but I tucked it inside. "I know you don't want me here so I won't bother you. You don't have to act like you care."

"Where did you get it? I thought I lost it." He put a hand on my chest, his finger pressing the pendant through my shirt.

"Isn't that why you threw it away? You didn't want it anymore."

He finally seemed to hear and comprehend what I was saying. "What're you talking about? I had lost it on the yacht. I was going crazy searching for it."

Thunder boomed in the distance, startling me. The rain had now turned to a heavy shower.

"First, let's get inside. You'll catch a cold." He grabbed my hand laced our fingers together before pulling me in the direction of the house.

I didn't protest. As much as I was mad at him, I didn't want to stay out here any longer. The wind had picked up, the thunderclouds were drawing closer and the island looked dark and scary with nothing but empty silence all around except for the sound of the waves and the whistling of the wind through the branches of the trees— looking like a scene straight out of a serial killer movie.

When we entered the warmth of his house, I couldn't wait any longer for things to be laid out in the open. We had played plenty of hide and seek for four days now.

I pinched the back of his shirt and he stopped.

"You don't have to lie to me. If you'd thrown it away, I'd like it if you told me the truth. You don't have to worry about hurting me."

He whirled around to face me. "I didn't. I'm not lying. I was on the yacht with some kids and they were my fans. I didn't want to be rude so I gave them some hugs but one particular girl with ridiculously short hair got her hair stuck in the pendant. I didn't want it to break so I took it off but it must've slipped from my bag when I accidentally knocked it over."

I gazed into his eyes, searching for any sign of a lie but he stared back at me sincerely. I dropped my gaze to our intertwined hands, trying to hide my shame. I shouldn't have assumed the worst of him when I saw the pendant. But I couldn't help it when I was insecure about a lot of things. "I'm sorry I thought that of you."

He cupped my cheek with his palm and made me look into his eyes. "These three day without it and without you were hell. I wanted to return home from the moment I stepped out."

"Why didn't you?" I covered my hand over his. "I was worried sick. I didn't see you for three whole days and the entire time I thought you were just getting better at avoiding me."

"I did tell the house helpers that I'd be gone for a few days. I thought they'll tell you."

"They did when I specifically asked about you. I think they assumed that you already told me."

"I'm sorry I worried you and for not telling you myself." His face turned grave. "I couldn't face you after what happened. Not to sound narcissistic but this was my first rejection. It didn't feel good because I'm only ever used to been loved." He removed his hand from under mine and untangled our hands. "I'm still not ready to see you." He took a step back.

My cheek and hand tingled uncomfortably, already missing his touch.

He turned his back to me. "You shouldn't have come here. As much as I'm happy you're here with me right now, you still shouldn't have come after me."

"Why is that?" I asked.

"Because I'm still not ready to see you. This house is my safe haven. I can run to it when I want to get away from things and right now all I needed was some distance from you because you remind me that I'm not in your heart."

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