Chapter 15 - Returns

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The sweet song of the birds accompanies the dull shift of the twilight clouds. As soon as the carriage stops, Amadeo jumps off and stretches out as much as he can. Johan gets down slowly, each step accompanied by a very long yawn. In the distance, a familiar voice approach:

_ Baaaaaaby!!! And champion too!

Nayla appears with her arms outstretched; Dijana runs after her, panting.

_ Wow, now we have a post-mission reception committee? Hahaha! _ Amadeo exclaims, greeting his colleague with a hug.

_ Awww! It was your first real mission!! I know you've gone through a lot of things before, but this was your first time in charge! So proud! Not to mention that I'm dying of curiosity here!

Dijana adds: "Me too! Have you learned anything new?". Johan scratches his head and says:

_ Sorry...

They look at each other, confused. Nayla can't help laughing, as she asks:

_ What do you mean "sorry"? You destroyed something, didn't you?

_ I just confirmed what I already knew... _ Johan looks at Amadeo with some disdain.

The blonde turns around, offended, and can only say "Hey!" before Nayla replies:

_ Hahah! It seems you're getting along, huh! _ Both pount; arms crossed _ But how was the tactical part of the thing?

_ Actually, it was bizarre! _ Amadeo says, taking the luggage; Johan brings his heavy bags _ I want to tell Deodoro and Emília too.

Dijana signals: "Was it a bad thing?". Amadeo continues, with a cynical smile on his lips:

_ Hm, maybe? An epic battle and a great mystery! For now that's all I'll say...

_ Aaargh!!! Nooo! Tell me! _ Nayla runs after Amadeo, who quickens his pace.

Dijana follows Johan, both in silence, behind the hurried noisy-people. The four walk from the station to the fort and, along the way, several people greet them, kindly... Johan receives a package of apples from a market lady.

Near the entrance, Nayla says:

_ Queen Emília isn't around, see. She went on a boring diplomatic business-trip for a few days, back in Nigrum. But Doro is.

Amadeo approaches Johan and, in a low voice, says:

_ Mark my words: As soon as Deodoro hears what happened he'll say "You are a magnet for catastrophes, Amadeo"!

Precisely, Deodoro replies with an expression of astonishment:

_ You are a magnet for catastrophes, Amadeo! I'm sorry, Mr. Ionani, for you being dragged into this mess with him.

_ ... Just Johan... I don't care about the mess.

_ Oh, I understood. _ He smiles, gently _ However, this whole story is very... strange.

_ Super strange! _ Nayla continues _ It doesn't make any sense. You guys aren't going crazy, right? _ She pats Amadeo's head softly.

_ I wish! _ The blonde answers.

Dijana says: "It reminds me of the mission report from Shina Busia's team". To which Amadeo replies:

_ Huh? Why?

_ It's another pretty weird case. _ Deodoro continues _ Do you remember? They went to Flavi to exterminate a giant Shen and...

_ Two Majors died, a District Priestess vanished and Busia is in bad shape since they rescued her. _ Nayla continues.

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