Chapter 49 - Red

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_ It's our last day here! I mean, night... Anyway! We must goooo!! _ Amadeo exclaims.

_ Boy, go have your fun, but leave us old guys alone. _ Gamila replies, taking another sip from her cup; Mooya remains silent, looking away.

Penan takes Amadeo's hands very seriously and says:

_ I, Penan Gaan, promised on the day you arrived that we were going to the Red Light District after the mission. And I am a Vampire that keep my words!! (' ')ᕤ Van, Drey, Mel, Yago and Sis are also going, right? _ Everyone nods "yes"; Penan turns her face slowly _ We just need to convince one more person...

Johan steps away, facing down. "Why...?", he thinks, while one of his arms is grabbed by Dreyfus and the other by Yago. The carnivorous look of everyone shows that he never had the option to refuse. On the other hand, Amadeo continues to smile. Melissa takes him with her to choose nice club clothes. Mooya and Gamila look at each other and laugh. Manan waits for the others, combing her long white hair.

It doesn't take long for the group to meet at one of the city's transportation platforms towards the Red Light District. Everyone laughs and speaks loudly. The journey takes a few minutes, followed by a short walk through narrow alleys, to Penan's favorite nightclub. Amadeo looks around, astonished as always: Unlike the commercial center, the district is more organized, with traditional buildings, lined up around small streets that weave together in a spiral plot. The intense red fire burns from hundreds of small torches organized in endless rows. The smell is sweet and alcoholic.

Penan kicks the door open and extends her arms wide, smiling. Her curves are confused with the rustling of the short skirt, as she enters, dragging Amadeo along. The rest enter with the same excitement. All those present greet the group.

Before he could react, Amadeo was already surrounded by strangers. Penan presents him as a Paragon of the Ecclesia. All eyes widen and fangs stand out. Melissa and Vanessa approach the group and the Vampire hugs him around the waist:

_ Hey, you thirsty fellas! Let him have some fun first!

_ Ahh, but he promised me a little bite, didn't youuu? (= ' 〜' =)

_ Ehh, it's true... _ Amadeo rubs his bare neck.

_ Calm down! I also wanna taste, but let's enjoy it first! _ Vanessa replies, approaching Penan's face until their noses touch _ What do you wanna do first, Alscher? Drink? Dance?

Amadeo laughs and replies:

_ Both!

The party begins. The music is so loud that it's hard to even hear your own thoughts. Amadeo tastes drink after drink, identifying some with a metallic flavor that denotes the blood of their composition. The Vampires laugh, as he squirms with nausea, and ethical and moral questions. However, this does not prevent him from continuing the tasting.

At the same time, Dreyfus, Yago and Manan watch, sitting on large divans, the seductive presentation of a pair of Fabulares on the stage. They toast several times, for no apparent reason. Johan, leaning on the back of one of the sofas, navigates his eyes in that chaos of colors, sounds and smells. Amadeo invited him to dance a few times, but his own stubbornness is disproportionate. He feels exhausted, but even if he tried to escape... he doesn't remember the way back.

Suddenly, a scream attracts everyone's attention. Johan recognizes Amadeo's voice:

_ That hurts!!! You said it wouldn't hurt!! _ He presses both hands against his neck. A trickle of blood runs down, staining the wrinkled shirt.

_ Sorryyyyy! _ Penan exclaims, with her eyes shining _ I got excited! It's soooo goood! (*TT*) The next ones will hurt less, I promise!!

Amadeo feels his cheeks burn with shyness. Melissa whispers in his ear:

_ Hey, don't worry. They get excited, but they won't do anything you don't want to. _ She messes up his hair _ I'm with you, human buddy. Let's enjoy!

The blonde finds himself blushing again, but not shyly this time.

The party goes on. Touches, bites and drinks rule over all. Johan denies several colored cups that are offered him, but finally, Dreyfus wins him out of tiredness. He is surprised by the excessively sweet flavor that he likes so much.

_ Weeeell! _ Penan appears, throwing herself in the lap of the fellow Vampire _ Dreyyy, I need help! _ She crawls over him and uses Yago's shoulders as a support to approach Johan _ Help me to convince him to go there and chat with us...! (● ' □ ')

_ Chat? That kind of conversation? _ Dreyfus smiles _ I'll help if I can go too!

_ Yeeeeees! _ Penan confirms, touching Johan's arm _ Will you comeeee? The three of us and two other friends of mine...! It will be such a nice conversation!!

Johan raises his eyebrows, looking at Penan out of the corner of his eye. He leans closer to her and replies:

_ ...Maybe.

...And the party continues...

At the bar, Melissa pets Amadeo's head, whose face is sunk into his arms. He murmurs "I'm gonna die" several times, feeling the various puncture marks on his neck and shoulders throb. His legs are uncomfortably numb and his double vision increases the vertigo.

_ I didn't even drink that much... _ He grunts _ Ughhhhhhhhhh...!!

Melissa laughs, remembering the first time she participated in a ballad with Vampires:

_ It's always like that, buddy. Van went to get someone to take you home, okay?

He responds with a new long "Ugh". Finally, the Vampire approaches, crossing steps, accompanied by Johan. Melissa thanks him and the man says:

_ All right, that's how it is!

Vanessa and Melissa find the answer strange, but they are too drunk to really question it. Johan takes Amadeo by the arm and drags him.

Amadeo does his best to keep walking, while humming the same song that played inside the club. From time to time, he proposedly misses his steps just so he can cling on the other, while smiling nonstop.

Johan walks through the alleys with ease, not missing a corner. Finally, they arrive at the transport platform, where they enter alone.

Amadeo leans on one of the parapets and enjoys the tortuous path. However, in the middle of the journey, Johan says:

_ I was thinking... _ The blonde turns to him _ We shouldn't report about the caves and the circle in the swamp. Manan said that she would take care of it. We shouldn't say anything.

_ Hm...? What? _ Amadeo replies, confused.

_ Yeah, you should forget all about it, Alscher. _ Johan leans closer to his face _ You've kept your little mouth shut until now... _ He presses his thumb on the blonde's forehead _'s better this way.

Amadeo's pupils dilate and his chin drops down. His memories fade in the same instant. Johan openas a machiavellian smile. Moments later, the Paragon regains consciousness and says:

_ Hm? What were you talking about?

_ Nothing. _ The other looks away _ It was your imagination.

They finally approach the fort. Johan says:

_ Can you go in alone? I'm going back to the party.

_ Yep, aaaall right! Thank you again! _ He moves on, reeling and happy.

Johan takes a few steps back and hides in the shadow of a narrow alley. His body contorts and takes on the grotesque shape of a pinkish humanoid being, with large red claws, exceedingly long limbs and an immense mouth on the eyeless head. Moments later, the creature takes the form of a beautiful white-haired woman. Manan says:

_ Time to go back...!

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