Chapter 113 - Possession

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_ To the holy executors is given the task of ending the cycle. To the holy executors is given the right to end the cycle. To the holy executors is given the power to end the cycle...

Several people pronounce those phrases simultaneously around the Behemoth. The Fabulare tries to break free of the chain, but it can't lift its fang, let alone use its formidable paws to shake the ground. "Impossible", Dijana thinks, letting her biggest smile take over her face. "He did it...!"

The Extermination spell finally completes in the large area occupied by the monster. A red trapezoid blade forms just above it and, in instants, drops like an absolute guillotine. There is no blood. Death is through the destruction of the Spirit.

The Behemoth falls. The chains loosen. With what little conscience he has left, Johan also falls to the ground. It's hard to define whether what he feels is pain or if he even feels anything at all.

A great curtain of smoke and dust hangs over everyone. The Extermination casters are exhausted. The other members of the Ecclesia remain stunned in front of the lying colossus.

Dijana frees the Drekavac from its conjuration, and struggles to crawl over the wreckage. Her legs are shaking non-stop, and she feels dizzy. All that goes through her mind, however, is: "I have to get Johan out of here...!"

Many minutes pass while her painful walk takes place. She hesitates, and widens her eyes when she sees a blonde figure on a dark horse. "F o r t e s c u e...", she moves her lips to herself.

The silhouette descends from the mount with a staff in hand, and heads towards Johan. When she gets close enough, the Paragon says:

_ As interim Magnum Paragon, I can't help but be grateful for your services against the Behemoth, maggot, but still I won't spare you for such futile sacrifice.

Johan wakes up with a blow to the head that makes him roll away. Staggering, he dodges a second attack from the staff. Fortescue glares at him with clear disgust, as if she's just shooing an animal out of her garden. Only when a new impact makes him hit his head against the ground he understands what is happening. All of this seems to have been planned.

Unable to use his arms, necrotic from the dissipated energy of the chains, Johan drops to his knees. Before the blonde could distill her hatred, he says:

_ It's about time... _ His breathes are short _ kill you... Fortescue!! _ He shows his teeth.

_ Hmm...? _ The Paragon sighs _ Allow me to guess, you want revenge for me revealing your nasty secret, monster? Or maybe for everything I did to Amadeo? _ She smiles _ He always portrays me as the villain in his story; I am aware. I can't blame him either... I did what I wanted to with him during his whole life... Do you feel sorry for him, abomination? _ Her smile fades and her voice drips with sarcasm _ This must be why you like each other so much: You are but a pair of mangy dogs. At least, I made Amadeo my useful puppy.

Dijana, who is now close enough to hear the conversation, acknowledges that all of Eloah's speech is a lie. All that is just a provocation. Beneath the tyrannical expression, Dijana sees teary eyes. "It's the same that... I saw in Amadeo...?", she asks herself. "Whatever! I need to get Johan out of here before she decides to attack for real!!", she concludes.

Suddenly, Johan charges against Eloah. She dodges, and hits him in the ribs. The boy's approach changes and he just defends himself. The woman's face is filled with anger. For some reason, she doesn't use any spells, but Johan is prepared to break her fingers if she decides to gesture with her hands.

With each recoil, and stumble, Johan feels himself on the verge of colapse. Stopping the onslaught, elegantly, Eloah turns the staff into a cleaver...

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