Chapter 95 - Casualty

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The first day of hunting was completely fruitless; the second too. Sitting down on a boulder at the edge of the path, Amadeo sighs wearily. Night approaches with dark clouds and the fainting moon that dares to cross them is not enough to light the way. The group, then, decides to call it a day.

On the way back, however, Amadeo notices the entrance of a cave, partially occluded by the overhanging leaves of a willow tree. He watches the back of those who walk in front of him. So much courage, and so much stupidity... His heart flutters as in a premonition. Even so, he decides to exclaim:

_ There's something here!

_ Ah, tell us sooner! _ Emília says, snapping her fingers _ What's a drizzle for a wet fool?! Let's check it out.

She enters, and Johan quickly gets by her side. Deodoro follows behind, along with Amadeo. None of the four believe that that location will be the right one. In fact, none of them even want it to be. After such a long and exhausting day, finding an enemy would be...

_ WATCH OUT! _ Deodoro exclaims.

In front and behind of them, a wall rises extremely fast. Emília and Johan see each other on one side, while the Veneficus and the Paragon are together on the other. Emília's voice, however, is loud enough to be heard by everyone:

_ Thanks Amadeo!! You got us into the right place! A trap!! FAN~TAS~TIC! _ Sarcastic.

Deep in the dark gallery, Edisia's melody awakens the crowd of monsters in front of her. She says to herself:

_ I'll get them! I'll get them! Hehe, Mommy will be happy, happy, happy, 'cause Edisia is the greatest and most powerful of all WITCHES! _ She bounces _ Edisia did everything so right! Ayla warned me and I prepared myself very, very, very much! They can't win!

She approaches a wall and digs into the stone with her bare fingers as she sings the same absurd lyrics as always: "I still don't know, but I'm still alive! I'm Edisia! And I'm gonna kiiiiill!". The stone dissolves into a putrid slime and the carnal and alchemical creatures leap through it. Edisia crosses the crack right behind.

Plunged into darkness, the isolated pairs notice the wall separating them melting down, allowing crawling creatures to penetrate the corridors. The instant he identifies the enemies, Amadeo thinks: "Tsuchigumos* and miniature Olgoi-Khorkhoi**, huh... Disgusting". Deodoro shouts:

_ BEWARE OF THE POISON!! _ He turns to Amadeo _ Let's move on; there must be a connection between the two sides.

On the other side, Emília says to Johan:

_ These things die easily, but are hard to hit. If we get surrounded here we're gonna have problems... _ She throws a neon flare in the hallway _ Let's run!

The pairs penetrate deeper into the cave, as the tunnels are filled with giant worms and spiders. Gradually, the corridor on Emília's side increases in diameter and the path is interrupted by a ditch where black mud bubbles up. Johan looks at the fetid liquid suspiciously, but his thoughts are interrupted by Emílias elbow:

_ You like swords better, right? _ She looks at the weapon he carries at his waist _ But this one is too short. One bite of a Tsuchigumo and your arm rots in 2 minutes. I don't remember what the worm does, but it can't be good either... _ She pulls the boy's sword and dagger _ Hold these creatures back with my axe while I find a way to make you a bigger sword. Go!

Obedient and excited, Johan puts himself in attack posture. Two huge spiders approach from the ceiling, incessantly secreting venom, and webs. They jump, but he dodges with a somersault that is already continued with a transverse blow, tearing the abdomen of one of the creatures. The second advances fast, and jumps on the wall, allied to the darkness. However, Johan sees very well in the dark and transfixes the axe handle into the enemy, hurling its body against the others who approach. Emília notices the movement and seizes the opportunity: As soon as she finishes the weapon conjuration, she shoots a tiny fire disc towards the dead creature. In the instant the flames reach it, it explodes in a curtain of heat.

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