Chapter 10 - Gawmen

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The day dawns with many clouds in the sky.

Amadeo provided instructions to the District Unit members about his plan on the night before: Once the forest situation has been verified and normalized, the expulsion of the Wolpertingers will begin. Some of them will have to be taken back to their habitat by force, to create a path with the smell of the species. The rest should be attracted with cereals and bait left at strategic points. All Veneficus and Paladins present must maintain a one-way barrier on the city's margins to block the return of those who have left. The remaining food should be collected in a single location that will also be kept isolated by a barrier, until the flock of rabbits has definitely left the city. Wolpertingers are mischievous, but fearful, so on the same day, long-duration torches must be installed around the entire city. Cu-Siths* will also help to keep the hybrid rabbits away from the crops.

Everything sets as Johan and Amadeo prepare to explore the forest that separates Birda from Homer. Amadeo brings a backpack with different items, including torches (even though it is morning), trail markers (even though there are well-defined paths) and a box of supplies (even though the exploration is scheduled to last only a few hours). Johan, on the other hand, appears only with two daggers attached to his waist.

_ Since your hands are free, help me with this here!! _ Amadeo says, handing the bag to Johan without hesitation.

He accepts the burden without question. Saying goodbye to Thita, they advance towards the forest. There are wide spaces between the huge trees, whose resounding shadows prevent shrubs from growing around them. Much of the forest is an orchard and the sweet scent of fruit hangs in the air.

_ There aren't many carnivores around here, y'know? That's why there are so many Wolpertingers! _ Amadeo says, looking over his shoulder at Johan who follows behind.

_ Hm. _ Johan "replies", looking around, absently.

Amadeo rolls his eyes and continues to scan the floor. He stops in front of rocks, stumps, and bushes under which the entrance to the rabbits' nest could be. They keep walking deeper and deeper into the forest. At different times, the Paragon punches small red woods on the ground to mark the way back.

_ Ah, ah... Still, nothing. _ Amadeo sighs, slapping his dirty hands on his pants.

_ Amadeo. _ Johan's voice, sudden, changes the atmosphere _ Can I ask a question?

The blonde finds that inquiry strange; almost fearful. Keeping his composure, he answers "yes". Johan shortens the distance between the two, staying beside Amadeo as they walk.

_ Why did you pass out that day?

_ Ha...? _ Amadeo raises his eyebrows, confused _ That day? Are you talking about that day against Paladin? _ His voice waver; Johan nods _ I thought Nayla had told you about overload and stuff...

_ That's not what I asked. _ Johan interrupts, harshly _ Of all people, why did you pass out?

The silence remains for long seconds. Amadeo doesn't know what to say. He stops walking and turns to Johan:

_ I don't know what you're talking about, but I...

_ I need to know if I can count on you. _ The serious expression remains _ I don't trust someone who doesn't trust themselves.

_ Well! We'll discover that with time...! _ Amadeo also outlines a neutral face, masking the discomfort that the issue caused.

Johan returns to his deep silence. Amadeo continues to focus on his investigation of rabbit holes. Several more minutes pass... Johan smells a different scent and follows it, moving a few meters away.

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