Chapter 54 - Nagahira

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As a training headquarters, Meigdan mostly receives simple missions for newly formed pairs. Moreover, in times of tranquility and peace, the ACU's activities plummet. These facts combined, explain the profound, corrosive, and desperate boredom in which Johan finds himself. Even Katia had been sent on a mission, with two other Parvus. And he remains lying on his belly, brooding over his frustrations. For the past few days, Amadeo had been busy with that Paragon-performance. It was unexpected to see that stupid blonde so dedicated to something. He sighs. His list of friends runs out quickly. Even the rehearsals with Dijana weren't enough of a distraction to get him out of that annoyance.

_ Ionani, yes? How can I help you? _ A Priest asks, setting aside his pen.

_ I want my license... _ He pauses _ To go home.

_ Oh, yes, of course! _ The Priest rummages through some sheets _ You have a "free pass", correct? Due to your mother's health issues, is that right?

Johan nods. He leaves for the small fishing town where he was born. The license is for only 3 days, and they pass way too fast...

... And the Ágora is almost here.

Shortly after his return to the fort, Johan says goodbye to Dijana who leaves to Flavi, a week before the big event. He sighs. Anxiety? Boredom? Loneliness? He doesn't know how to understand his own feelings.

_ I just need to get this part right... _ Amadeo mumbles to himself, on tiptoe _ But I can't understand how to do it...!! _ He grunts _ Johan! Show me again!

The man frowns, gets up and does a somersault. He lands on one foot, without shaking:

_ Like this.

_ Aah....!! I'll try again...

As Amadeo prepares, Johan watches him. Deodoro looks at both, with a faint smile. Once again, the blonde fails and Johan criticizes:

_ You're so bad at this. We leave tomorrow and... _ He turns to Deodoro _ Will he... make it?

Without answering, Amadeo takes a few steps away, and then, advances towards the other. He uses him as a support to throw himself up, jumping over his head and landing on the other side, charming:

_ I'm not bad! I'm just a little rusty! _ Amadeo replies, crossing his arms; for some reason, he smiles. Johan rolls his eyes.

In the next morning, Nayla meets the two boys on the way to the station. She brings huge suitcases and explains that she has everything they will need for the next few days in there, including some "special requests" from Dijana. The trio hop into an elegant carriage with two other passengers. The Hippogriffs neigh when they depart. Amadeo says:

_ Nayla, did you know that Johan got a SD ticket and refused? Hehe!

_ Oh, yeah? _ She laughs _ I like to think that he chose to stay in our lovely company! _ She laughs again; Johan turns his face, ashamed.

The trip lasts a whole day. Nayla and Amadeo read and talked most of the way. Johan just dozed off in the most unusual positions. They stop in a city to change the carriage and the other passengers disembark. Night falls. Johan lays down on the benches in the empty side, while chasing stars with his eyes. Amadeo sleeps on Nayla's shoulder as she strokes the soft strands of his hair. From time to time, she murmurs "Shh ... It's okay, it's okay" when nightmares manifest in grunts and spasms.

They arrive in Nagahira in the morning. The downtown has a delicious scent of spicy foods. The buildings alternate between traditional palaces with futuristic polygonal constructions, giving an elegant and sparkling sense to the festive atmosphere that surrounds them. Everything is spotlessly clean.

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