Chapter 34 - Fraud

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While Johan and Amadeo were responsible for investigating the eastern part of the swamp, Gamila and Mooya followed the southwest road, looking for the remnants of the flood refered by the city's merchants. It doesn't take long before they find the reconstruction site. Gamila approaches the builders and asks about what happened and about changes in trade routes. The woman who coordinates the reformation explains succinctly that a flood destroyed a bridge and part of the road, just over 2 weeks ago. She explains that floods are common when it rains, but that one occurred out of season. The merchants were told to divert through the roads of Alvedora, a neighboring city.

The pair decides to enter the swamp, following the river veins. Gamila says:

_ If someone tried to drain the swamp or excavated some dammed area, there may have been a diversion of the tributaries that generated the flood. But for that, they must have pumped the water... _ She rolls her eyes _ Smells like elemental magic to me.

Mooya agrees and they move on. The biome is unstable, but Gamila can identify remnants of trails and signs of human manipulation. At regular intervals, Mooya adjusts the encrusted earring around his ear. Time goes by.

_ Did you find anything? _ Gamila says, approaching the other.

_ I wish I did... _ He sighs _ Even thought I was the one who suggested coming here, I hate this place. _ He sits on a rock _ Go, Gamila, it's up to you. Time to have a brilliant idea.

She laughs and takes a few steps away. The silence is occupied by the crickets singing and the blows of the wind. After very long seconds, Mooya gets up and exclaims:

_ Gamila! I can't stop thinking about it... This mission is so weird. _ The woman stares at him in silence _ In Deodoro's letter, he said that the subpoena was addressed to him and Emília OR two pairs of their choice. Don't you think it's strange? I've never seen a subpoena like that. Actually, it looks more like an invitation, right? _ He pauses _ Also, a pair isn't worth two, no matter how good they are...

_ Not to mention that, to investigate an unknown creature, there are more suitable teams, don't you think? Holhol's team, for example.

_ Exactly! _ He comes closer _ And also, I don't know if you remember, but in Deodoro's report it was written that there were just some sporadic monsters. Then, when we arrived, that Vampire says that the numbers are exponential?! What the hell is up that? Did they lie in the report? The information doesn't match... _ He rubs his face while snorting _ But what is bothering me most is the fact that you and the "Paragon puppy" discovered that it was a Golem in, like, 10 minutes! It was ridiculous. How did no one from the Unit got to this conclusion if they've been seeing those things for more than a month? And it seemed almost planned as there was just ONE! monster in the forest the very day we arrived. Something's wrong, Gamila.

_ I'm thinking the same thing since we arrived, cuz.

Suddenly, a snap diverts their attention. The tops of the trees stir and a shadow moves quickly between the branches. Gamila pulls the little crossbow she carries on her back and prepares a accurate... shot. The fleeing shadow falls, and the pair runs towards it. Mooya exclaims:

_ Nothing out of your range, Ranger!

Gamila smiles, pompous. Finally, they approach the victim, but the sight surprises them: A damp, mossy wooden doll, with long arms from which sprout countless wormlike fingers; the round, smiling face is exceedingly realistic, with huge brown eyes that move quickly from side to side. One of the legs had been destroyed by the arrow, but the other continued to flutter in the air.

_ A puppet? _ Mooya leans closer _ That means that if we follow the threads, we find the ventriloquist.

_ Hey! Wai-!

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