Chapter 21 - Stones

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_ My Goddesses... I'll never read anything in somorium again... _ Amadeo throws himself on the cushion_ Ughhhhh...!!

He rubs his face on the pillow while stretching his arms. Suddenly, he hears footsteps in the outside vegetation. Moments later, Fumio's voice echoes:

_ Excuse me?

_ Hey! Fumio! Come in. _ Amadeo says, sitting on the bed.

The boy appears at the door and, smiling, enters. He runs his hands through his black hair and finally says:

_ I was told that you translated all the inscriptions!

_ Yeah... yes... It was waaay harder than I imagined. And that lady... _ He lowers his voice _ She's so annoying! But I guess most of it worked just fine. They'll organize the text afterwards.

_ That's great. We're very grateful for your aid. All I did today was study stones and help with the purification ritual on the ruins. But I didn't really come here because of that... _ He pauses _ You know that Veneficus are full of "intuitions", right?

_ Yep! My tutor keeps talking about how he "feels" that something is going to happen or whatever.

_ Heh! Exactly. I, as a Veneficus, retain the right to say the same. _ He looks deeply into Amadeo's eyes _ I have a strange feeling since I met you. I'll state clear that it isn't the good type. _ His expression becomes more serious _ It's like a "premonition". It got really strong when you spoke about the Body Aberration yesterday. I was intrigued... I can't understand exactly why, but I want to make one thing clear: No matter what happens, I am your ally. And I'm an ally of your allies too. All right?

Amadeo keeps his eyes wide-open, surprised. That was so sudden, irrational and... scary. He doesn't fully understand what Fumio means. However, somehow, the boy's words penetrated his mind, like an unbreakable promise.

_ Okay, Fumio. Thanks for telling me. _ Amadeo leans forward _ I'm glad I can count on you!

They exchange looks that mix serenity and fear. Finally, to break the silence, Amadeo says:

_ Ah, just something I'm curious about... Why don't you say my name?

_ Oh... Wow... You noticed... Heh... _ Fumio blushes and looks away _ I'm terrible with names and I can't remember your last name... _ He opens a yellow smile.

_ WHAT?! Call me Amadeo!! I don't remember your last name too! Tobio? Toshio? I forgot. But you said yourself, "We're almost the same age! Let's save the formalities for the older ones", right?

_ Hehe... You're right. It's just the habit,... Amadeo.

The blonde smiles and Fumio reciprocates. He parted his lips to start a new speech, but was interrupted by a huge bang. Both run outside. Several other people are coming out of their tents, with the same expression of despair. The air is covered with a thick layer of dust that reflects the waning light of twilight.

_ Came from the ruins... Did it collapse? _ Fumio says and, instantly, Amadeo runs.

Without thinking twice, he enters the curtain of dust, covering his face. He screams:

_ Is anyone there?!

He continues to advance to the entrance of the ruins when he steps on something slimy. Amadeo stops. The air freezes around him in a shiver. He feels a warm drop fall on his cheek and slowly trickle down his face. He looks up... The sight before him is a grotesque worm, just under a meter. Blood and poison seep from its oval leech mouth. Amadeo wipes his face and thinks: "A Tsuchinoko*... It was one of these that caused the accident of the person I'm replacing, huh. But this guy wouldn't be able to make that noise... ". He murmurs:

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