Chapter 4 - Scales

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The week passed quickly. Everyday in the morning, Oko would wake Johan up with great excitement. Johan kept a dead fish expression. He has never been a morning person.

Members from various Units gave presentations on their activities and functions; others allowed novices to follow up on their reports to superiors. Johan showed interest in ACU and the Research Unit, but he was quickly discouraged when one of the prerequisites for participating in the latter was necessarily to have the Sphere of the Mind as a Talentum.

During meals, all Tertia-Ordinis Parvus gathered, talked, laughed. Oko was one of the main discussion instigators. Johan responded when asked with grunts and murmurs. It's hard to always be the most introvert at the table...

Finally, the last ceremony of the week begins. High-ranking officers are on the podium. The class's golden insignias and the level's silver coat of arms glittered with the sunlight. They introduced themselves and then introduced the representatives of various Units, with whom enrollments should be made. The speeches go on for long minutes... Johan closes his eyes and dozes off while standing. Oko does the best he can to hold back the laughter.

_ Next. _ The man sitting on the bench at the ACU says, smiling gently _ My name is Deodoro. Welcome to ACU! _ He bows slightly _ Please fill in this form.

Johan takes the paper in his hands, staring at it for a few seconds. He looks worried, discreetly sad. Deodoro combs the gray bangs with his fingers, while watching, attentive. Johan fills in the form and returns it. Deodoro reads the name and his eyes shine. "So, this is the boy Amadeo and Emília were talking about.", he smiles as he thinks.

_ Well, Mr. Ionani, answer me this one thing: Would you like to return to your country? There is an ACU training center in Ruber. If you want, I can transfer you there.

Johan stares at Deodoro's eyes, stoic. His expression gradually becomes more pleasant. After a pause, he replies:

_ Makes no difference. _ He looks away to the sky _ I just want... to be useful. Here is... fine.

_ Understood. I have a good feeling about you, Mr. Ionani. If you allow me to give an opinion, I believe that your stay here will be very valuable. _ Deodoro notices Johan's discreet reactions.

The boy nods without saying anything else, again with a sad look. He thanks Deodoro, with a small reverence, just as the Flavi's man did when he introduced himself. "This will be very interesting, certainly.", he thinks.

_ Hello, youth! Welcome to the Advanced Combat Unit, headquarters Meigdan! _ Nayla says, laughing and pompous _ We're the guys who solve the most complicated problems in the world for everyone! So, we've a little rule, very, very little: You'll only be paired and go to real missions when you're at least at the level of Secundus-Ordinis Parvus! That is, for now, YOU'RE USELESS! Questions?

_ Ah, excuse me. _ A girl says _ When can we request the next skill assessment?

_ Anytime, honeybun! But if you fail, you'll have to wait for 2 years to try again. So, think carefully, huh! _ She stretches while talking _ Well, since everything is clear, let's start! During your training you'll have three wonderful instructors: Myselfy, Nayla Hotak, Ranger from Ruber!; our Queen, Emília Ferner from Albam; and the most beautiful woman in this country: Dijana Belinda! Both are Paladins.

_ Good morning, weaklings. _ Emília says, tightening the bandages around her arms. _ Each one of us is responsible for one aspect of your training: Nayla will teach you about teamwork, decision-making and dealing with Fabulares that will try to kill you. Dijana is a master of various martial techniques and will help you develop combat strategies and improve your skills with the Spiritual Sphere. I'll make you suffer. I'll teach you how to fight for your miserable little lives and to protect your peers with everything you got. I'll guarantee that you won't die in the clutches of any monster other than myself. Is it clear?!

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