Chapter 8 - Report

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Flying fast through the treetops, a Pixie* approaches the fort, flustered and anxious. As soon as she reaches the gate, she approaches one of the guards and exclaims:

_ Excuse me! I'm Xany, from the Gawmen District Unit! I have an urgent report for the Head Priest of this headquarters!! Could I, please, talk to him...?

Through the stone corridors, the light diffuses, sparkling in the tiny particles of dust that hang in the air. The room into which the Pixie enters is closed by a large wooden door and, there, she is received with a reverence and a "handshake".

_ I'm Arthur Savill, chief of this headquarters. How can I help you, Miss Xany?

_ Ahh! I have a report about an issue happening in the Gawmen District, in the cities of Birda, Homer and Nazda! _ Her whole tiny body trembles as she speaks _ The residents are desperate! Please, we need you to send someone to help to deal with the situation!!

Amadeo sighs deeply. He is leaning against the corridor wall, in front of the same wooden door. He thinks "Ahhhh, dang it... What does Savill want with me? I'm sure he'll lecture me again...", with his lips hanging in annoyance.

_ Amadeo? _ The door opens and Arthur appears, smiling; the boy greets him with a sloppy wave _ I have good news for you.

_ Wowow, really? I didn't expect that...!

_ I'll send you on a mission. It's been 3 or 4 months since you've been on field, right?

Amadeo's eyes sparkle and he smiles widely. For a second, the words fail to come out.

_ 4 months and 12 days! The last time I went on a mission was with Deodoro, back in Flavi. _ He lowers his voice _ After that, you guys started to bother me about the partner's stuff and I didn't go anywhere anymore.

_ AHEM! All the missions you've participated in the last 2 years were with Majors who already have a fixed partner! And you only went with them, because we decided that it'd be important for your improvement! _ He crosses his arms, snorting _ Now you aren't being assigned to missions because your assessment for Secundus-Ordinis Major is coming and Deodoro thought it's best for you to stay here to prepare.

Amadeo rolls his eyes childishly. "The assessment? What a lame excuse!", he thinks, knowing the real intentions of everyone there.

_ Anyway... _ Arthur continues _ We received a report from the Gawmen District about an infestation of Wolpertinger** in three cities. It's a Grade 2 threat and we think it'd be a good opportunity for you to develop some skills.

Amadeo's smile loses part of its luster. Such a simple mission is a disappointment. "But a mission is a mission.", he concludes and threatens to say something, but Arthur interrupts:

_ The skills we want you to develop is leadership and problem-solving! _ Arthur smiles _ So I spoke to Emília and she agreed to send one of the new Parvus to accompany you! It'll be your first mission as superior in charge!

Amadeo's smile disappears completely. All he can answer is "Ah...", wondering who Emília would have indicated as his "partner".

_ She recommended...!

In the training hall, Nayla skips, smiling, laughing, and shouts:

_ Champion's going on a missiooooon!! _ She hugs Dijana, pretending to cry _ They grow up so fast!! He's still a Tertia-Ordinis and the Queen already wants to send him to field-action! _ She hangs on Johan, just as usual _ I'm sooooo proud!

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