Chapter 5 - Blizzard

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The icy wind howls over the corridor between the glaciers. Dark clouds spread across the sky, preparing a blizzard. The report said that a giant Shen* was causing problems for sailors in the north of Flavi.

_ In the middle of winter, when fishing for oysters and seafood is more profitable, an aggressive Fabulare appears! _ One of the men grumbles from inside his thick coat _ It couldn't be worse...

_ And precisely for that they asked for a quick intervention, Hohad. _ The woman riding a giant Kitsune** responds seriously, without taking her black eyes out of the way.

_ More important than complaining, we must think about how to proceed. _ The other man speaks, with a harsher tone _ We're facing a Grade 3 threat. To exterminate a Shen we must remove it from the water and seal its oral opening.

_ According to the sailors, the Shen is close to the shore, in an ice wall. This will help us to pull it out of the water. We're going to the place behind it, to avoid the aspiration way. _ The woman replies _ Once it's out, we'll hit it with our strongest attack to keep it still. Then, we close the mouth with the sap the Pixies*** gave us.

_ Seems easy enough. _ Hohad answers _ But in this climate, Mrs. Busia, our "best attack" is going to be much worse than usual... It won't be easy to use the Deng of Dinka 'cause of the cold; Tairo and I are slower too and it'll be difficult for you to maintain high energy spells...!

_ But Guion is from here and she's also a Veneficus. She's used to the snow and will be able to help us. Right, Guion? _ Busia replies.

Guion doesn't respond, but she makes a long reverence to the woman.

They continue the march. Tairo and Hohad remain concerned. Busia tightens her hands on the reins of her mount, trying to suppress the anxiety.

Finally, they arrive at a cove of sparkling blue water. The sky remains gray and the wind continues to blow snow towards the group. In the distance, it is possible to see the bulging of the Shen's shell under the water. Busia gets off her Kitsune and goes towards the sea.

_ Tairo, make two chains with hooks using high energy conjuring magic. I'll be a little exhausting for a Paladin, but I know you can do it. Guion must create an ice walkway to the Shen. Hohad, I count on your strength to pull that thing up. _ The men confirm _ As soon as Shen comes out of the water, I'll hit it with my best arrow. At that time, Tairo, undo the chain and grab the arrow's tail as soon as it penetrates. I'm going to help pull him up and throw him over the wall on that side of the cove. By that time, Hohad must have returned and you and Guion must go to seal the mouth with the sap. Do you agree?

Everyone nods. Before getting into position, Hohad approaches Busia and says, smiling:

_ You're a legend among the Veneficus, Mrs. Busia. It's an honor for a stray Paladin like me to be able to join your team even if it's only a mission. I've been on leave for almost 6 months since I lost my partner... It's good to be back with such powerful people.

_ Hohad, you're a great man. I'm sure that your return will be celebrated by the other members of the ACU and that they will find a new pair for you. And please, while we're fighting together, call me Shina. Mrs. Busia is my sister.

_ Yes ma'am! I mean, Shina...

The mission begins. Hohad holds two sticks of dark metal, which begin to glow golden when Tairo utters the spells. In an explosion of white sparks, the rods become a pair of huge chains. Guion leans over the water, touching it with her fingertips. In a moment, a walkway is formed by which Hohad runs with his huge boots sticking to the ice.

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