Preference: Christmas | Merlin

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Weekly Verse: "'Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; He is Messiah, the Lord.'" Luke 2:11

Weekly Encouragement: God sent His son Jesus so that He could be with us! He loved us so much that He became human for us, not only to be near us, but, ultimately, to be the perfect sacrifice for our sins so that we can have a relationship with Him. The Christmas story contains so much — Mary's faith, Joseph's faith, Christ's birth in a manager — but overall, it is a beautiful story of powerful, unimaginable love. I encourage you to go read it this week to remind yourself of why we celebrate this holiday. Then, you can read the rest of Jesus's story of miracles, teaching, sacrifice, and perfect love.

[And also For King & Country's entire new Christmas album. And the Pentatonix version of "Mary, Did You Know?"]

Ways to help the world: Become educated on the situations in our world, who these organizations are, who runs these petitions, what they stand for, and what their goals are, so you can better determine what you stand for and what your goals are.

Merry Christmas! Happy holidays!

With Arthur's, you can choose which knight is your brother. Also, his brings up the question of if I will ever not reference Jane Austen. The answer is no.

Summary: Christmas with Merlin or Arthur.

QOTP: What's your favorite Christmas movie?

Word Count: 2401

Arthur -
Y/N shivers, pulling her cloak tighter around her, and Merlin scoots closer, trying to warm them both. Why Arthur thought training a week before Christmas in the snow was a good idea, neither of them could guess. Of course, he said something about, "endurance," and, "training in the elements," but none of the other knights were very happy about it, including Y/N's brother.

When they finally get a break, he walks over to Merlin and Y/N, looking at the latter. "You don't have to be here, you know. You'll catch your wintery death in this weather."

"I'm being moral support for Merlin," Y/N insists. She's always moral support for Merlin, ever since her brother became a knight and she came to watch him train. "I'm also here for you. And, you know, to see... all the knights training." While she's friends with the all others, she's mostly watching one of the men out there playing with swords.

Her brother rolls his eyes, knowing full and well who she's there to see. "Yeah, yeah, sure."

The man in question calls, "Break time's over, let's go!"

"It's times like these that I'm really glad I'm not a knight," Y/N comments as her brother run back out there.

"Me, too," Merlin agrees.

"Merlin!" Arthur shouts, waving him over.

"But I also wish that wasn't me," he sighs. Y/N chuckles, watching him jog over to Arthur.

As she watches the rest of training unfold, she moves a bit in place to try and warm herself up. Thankfully, it doesn't last much longer; even a king gets cold.

Before they leave, he tells the knights something Y/N can't make out. She's nudges Merlin, who's returned to her. "What's he saying?"

"He's probably telling them about the Christmas ball."

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