Preference: Can I Be Him? | Sherlock

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Weekly Verse: "For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Weekly Encouragement: God's got this! Trust in Him! This won't last forever! You are not alone, and you are loved! Remember to seek joy, and take a break from work and the news if you need it! Keep praying!

Ways to support Black Lives Matter: . Become educated on the situation in our country/world, and on who the organization is and what they stand for and what their goals are, so you can better determine what you stand for and what your goals are.

Video to watch to donate to BLM: (or search "how to financially help BLM with no money" on YouTube)

Thank you to the wonderful vintage_grace and amazing simply_jenna3000 for help with the title! They're both great, and you should go check out their works.

No Jim bc I didn't really have an idea and this is kind of like a two character preference anyway. Idk if that makes sense now but it might when you read the preference (or the summary I guess).

Summary: Y/N talks to either Sherlock or John about her crush on the other. But the one she's talking to is the one that's in love with her.

QOTP: Have you read any of the original stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle?

Word Count: 2690

Y/N Y/L/N had come into their lives very unexpectedly, after literally bumping into them on the street when they were all turning a corner, though in opposite directions. She then, after an apology, proceeded to give them a missing poster for her dog Darcy. Sherlock had taken it, looked it over, and then decided to help her find the dog, so she took them to where he was last seen.

John, naturally, reminded Sherlock of the murder case they were on, but he just waved it off and went after the dog anyway. Turns out, Sherlock had suspected Darcy to be connected to the murder case, after he noticed how similar the rare color of Darcy's coat was to the dog hair he found outside the victim's house (he didn't mention the hair then, at first thinking it largely insignificant). He was right, and both cases were solved, much to the delight of Y/N and Scotland Yard.

John and Sherlock both had taken a liking to Y/N throughout the case, and she felt likewise, all in just friendship at first. She continually came around after that, assisting in cases, bringing Darcy, and offering to watch Rosie whenever it was needed. Rosie really liked her — and Darcy — and it cemented her place in their lives.

John -
It also contributed to cementing her place in John's heart.

He began to like her in that way soon after that first case, when she started coming around so often. He noticed her beauty the first time he met her, of course, but he knew love — or even like — took more than that. And when he got to know her, when he saw her excited smiles after successfully helping on a case, when he watched her tease Sherlock to make him laugh and get him to eat something and sleep once in while, when he listened the absolutely normal voice she used when talking to Rosie, as if she would understand every word Y/N was saying, making John laugh. When she would turn to him with absolute happiness written over her face for one reason or another, he began to fall.

It surprised him at first, especially after Mary — and so soon after, he felt — but he had to admit to himself that that was what was happening. He loved being around her, and he wanted to be around her as often as possible without giving anything away. He wanted to tell her, but he didn't want to mess up a good thing, make her stop coming, especially considering how much Rosie liked her and the fact that she was Sherlock's friend, too. He kept quiet, and whether Sherlock noticed it he had no idea, but he knew Y/N didn't.

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