Blogposts and Blue Aliens | Loki Laufeyson

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Verse: "We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain," Hebrews‬ ‭6‬:‭19‬ ‭

Encouragement: Jesus is our hope! He is a secure hope, our anchor, allowing us to have hope in all circumstances! Even when the world around us seems hopeless, we can know He is with us, and He is working behind the scenes.

Requested by xStef_26

Summary: After an encounter with Loki during the Battle of New York, Y/N starts a blog about her experience and the Avengers. Thor finds this blog and shows it to Loki. He remembers her. How — and when — will he meet her again?

QOTP: Do you think Loki was mind-controlled in Avengers?

Word Count: 5129

The whole world seemed to be on fire. Screams were ringing in her ears, people were running around her in all directions, while otherworldly roars rained down from above. Dust was filling the air where the Chitauri (though she didn't know who they were at the time) had crashed into buildings, or the Hulk had reigned destruction trying to save lives. Somewhere around New York were the Avengers (who she didn't know then, either).

She'd lived in New York all her life, but she didn't know where she was. Could hardly see, hardly breathe. A quiet panic had settled in her chest, growing and growing the longer it took her to find shelter. There was no one in sight to help her. She didn't trust anyone, anyway, at that time unsure of what exactly was going on.

The streets were chaos, but above Chitauri were flying through on small crafts. She looked up, eyes locked on the trail of them. Where were they going? Why were they here? Behind them, the giant portal they were coming through blacked out part of the sky.

An inhuman growl snapped her attention back to the ground, where a Chitauri stood in front of her, his weapon poised to kill her. Her heart began pounding, and she threw her shaky hands up in a surrendering position as if that would matter. It seemed the rest of the world found a place to hide and she was alone on the street, not that she was about to take her eyes off the Chitauri to check.

"Please-" she pleaded, voice breaking.


The Chitauri turned as one of the small crafts landed. A man stepped off, dressed in green and gold. His long, black hair was pushed out of his face with a horned helmet. Loki. Anger was etched into his porcelain features. "What are you doing? We don't have time for you to deal with single mortals, we have bigger plans. Go make yourself useful." The Chitauri hesitated, but Loki glared, and the Chitauri's weapon dropped as he moved on, joining others in terrorizing another part of the city.

She was frozen in place, arms still raised, but Loki looked at her. He met her eyes. He didn't say anything, but he stood for a long moment. And his eyes — they were full of pain. She searched his stony face, and his lips twitched as if he wanted to say something.

"Thank you," she said. Her voice was almost a whisper; she was unable to talk any louder. His expression seemed to change, if only for a split second. Like he was asking for help.

He snapped back to his blank expression, occasionally marred by flashes of pain as he walked away from her, got back on the craft, and flew away. Leaving her alone in the street to wonder what had just happened.

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