Preference: New Years | Spider-Man (MCU)

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Prompt #the amazing one vintage_grace came up with (also requested by her 😂)


And, yes, I've done a New Years imagine for Peter before but like... I had a Ned idea. I needed a New Years preference. vintage_grace gave me a prompt. And I really wanted to. So. Here we are.

Summary: Your New Years with Peter and/or Ned.

QOTP: What do you think the title of the third movie will be?

Word Count: 5664

Ned -
Ned wasn't sure if he would ever make it out of class. It was the last class before winter break, and it seemed to drag on forever, especially considering his lovely teacher decided to do actual work that day, unlike everyone else. It was obvious all the other kids were anxious to leave too, even though they had an hour left.

That's when a folded piece of paper quietly found its way onto his desk. He looked to where it came from and saw Y/N, discreetly nodding at him to open it. He did so, and there was a game of hangman written on it, ready to be played.

Ned smiled, looking like at the lines, then writing an, 'a' for his first guess. He folded the paper back up, then passed it back to Y/N. She unfolded in, filled in the 'a's, then gave it back to Ned to guess another letter.

This went on for some time, the man gradually coming together in the top left corner, but the answer also becoming clearer. Eventually, Ned was able to solve it.

'Peter Parker wets the bed every night.'

They both stifled laughter, the joke funnier as they knew they couldn't actually laugh out loud.

Peter, luckily, didn't have that class with them and therefore couldn't be mad about Y/N's beautiful sentence, though she would've written the same thing if he were there to see it anyway. She felt it her personal responsibility to make fun of him — and vice versa — because what else were siblings for?

Technically, they weren't actually brother and sister. Y/N was May and Ben's daughter, which made her and Peter cousins, but they'd grown up living together, so they had a sibling-like bond. Since their last names were the same, everyone assumed they were siblings — usually fraternal twins — even if they didn't look all that alike. In that case, most thought one or both of them was adopted, and took it as fact without actually confirming anything with either of them. [If you actually do look kinda like him, just ignore the last part.]

The point is, because of all this, it was actually a problem that Ned had a crush on her, as she was basically his best friend's sister. Peter would undoubtedly kill him if he knew, and that was not a fight he was willing to have, seeing as Peter was literally a superhero.

So, Ned got another piece of paper to play another round of hangman to pass the time, cleverly writing, 'Peter Parker has arachnophobia,' as the answer before discreetly passing it to Y/N. She was smiling, and it was beautiful.


"We're free!" Y/N shouted gleefully, running ahead of Peter and Ned through the front doors of the school. Both boys laughed at her as they followed, not speeding up and forcing her to stop and wait for them. When they caught up to her, she was grinning. "I'm so excited to exchange gifts today. You're going to love yours," she said to Ned, who blushed.

"Am I going to hate mine?" Peter asked with a laugh.

"Hopefully, but you don't get to open yours until Christmas."

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