Preference: A Wedding | Sherlock

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Verse: "The Lord is good to all, and His tender mercies are over all His works." Psalm 145:9

Encouragement: God is good! Even if it doesn't seem like it, everything is for a reason, and He is always with us. We don't need to fear! He loves us more than we can even imagine. He is our salvation!

The end of John's has dialogue taken straight out of Jane Austen's Northanger Abbey. I love that book more than I can express.

Summary: You and the Sherlock boys at a wedding.

QOTP: What is your favorite finger food and why is it pinwheels?

Word Count: 2904

Jim -
Nerves fluttered through Y/N's chest, mixing with excitement. She tried to keep still, tried not to ruin the delicate bouquet in her hands with fidgeting. She'd been waiting for this day for over a year, and time seemed to crawl. Finally, though, the song started, and her [father/stepfather/other] took her arm, and they began to walk.

Flowers littered the aisle in concentrated clumps, the tiny flower girls having done their best. But she was focused on the end of her walk — what waited for her.

Her husband-to-be smiled widely at her, tears in his eyes. When she separated from her [father/stepfather/other], he took her hands, and they prepared to finally do what they had been looking forward to since he first proposed in the park, where they first met.

And then the lights kicked off.

Voice rose, and Y/N looked around but couldn't see anything, her eyes not adjusted yet. It only lasted a moment, though, as the lights kicked back on. The fluke passed, and everybody chuckled and prepared to get on with ceremony.

A voice rang out, almost like a song. "Hello."

Heads turned, but no one could find the speaker.

"I know I'm a bit early, but I strongly object."

"Who are you?" Y/H/N asked, eyes searching the room, gripping Y/N's hands tighter.

The voice laughed. "That's not important to you. At least, not yet. Y/N, however..."

A chill ran up her spine. Y/H/N looked at her, questioning, but she shook her head. She'd never heard that voice before, she was sure. How did he know her name?

"You're probably wondering how I know your name. Right?" The voice laughs again. "Let's make a deal. If you come with me, I'll tell you."

A knot formed in her throat. "C-Come with you?"

Her voice wasn't that loud, but, somehow, he still heard her, wherever he was. "Yes, that's what I said. But I can get closer, if it's that hard to hear me."

Everyone went still, and then the main door creaked open. A Westwood suit slowly entered the room, the man in it smiling with a air of crazy. His eyes held it, too, concealed. Something in Y/N knew he could uncover it, if he wanted to. And he would.

"Hi," he sang, eyes roaming the room. "Don't mind me. Just here for the bride."

Most people wouldn't look directly at him, staring forward as he stalked down the aisle, eyes on Y/N. She looked back at him, swallowing her fear. "And what makes you think I'll go with you?"

His smile quirked, and he nodded to Y/H/N. To her horror, Y/N saw a red dot resting on his chest. When she turned back to the man, he was laughing. "I really thought of everything, didn't I?"

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