Right Where You're Supposed to Be (Part One) | Neville Longbottom

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Weekly Verse: "What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?" Romans 8:31

Weekly Encouragement: God is our Protector, our Healer, our Redeemer, our Stronghold — our Fortress, over and over. He does just as the song says: makes a way through the waters, walks us through the fire, shuts the mouths of lions, and brings dry bones to life. There's nothing He can't do, and just think how wonderful it is that He loves us and is faithful at the same time. He is for us. We have hope and strength in Him. Remember and hold onto that as you go about your week (and really the rest of your life) — and also while you're probably jamming to this song. It's one of my faves right now.

Ways to help the world: https://issuesintheworld.carrd.co . Become educated on the situations in our world, and on who these organizations are, who runs these petitions, and what they stand for and what their goals are, so you can better determine what you stand for and what your goals are.

Video to watch to donate to BLM: https://youtu.be/bCgLa25fDHM (or search "how to financially help BLM with no money" on YouTube)

It's finally up! I'm sorry this has taken so long!

Part One of Four
Requested by @JulzLovDraco4Eva
Summary: Y/N Malfoy didn't like to play by her father's rules, even though it got her into trouble. Her older brother Draco always did as told, and she couldn't exactly blame him, but she wished he wouldn't. After he went to Hogwarts, she hated the increased attention on herself, but she also dreaded getting put in Slytherin and being stuck as the daughter of Death Eaters forever. But what happens when she gets sorted into Gryffindor instead?

QOTP: Which Neville is your favorite movie/book-wise?

Word Count: 6268

Y/N Malfoy never really looked forward to going to Hogwarts. Her older brother Draco always seemed to, though, and Y/N couldn't quite tell if it was because he thought he was going to "rule the school" and be the best at everything, or if it was because he would be getting away from home. Or both.

Their parents [if you don't look like the Malfoy's: — well, Draco's parents, as Y/N was adopted and would really only be willing to own Narcissa as her mother if put in such a situation —] were Death Eaters. They didn't talk about it much, never above a whisper, and the people that came and went from the house were only friends over for "dinner parties" that Y/N and Draco never attended, unless on occasion when they really were dinner parties.

Y/N and Draco stayed close together during those times. It seemed the Dark Lord and his minions were the only things that really brought them together, as they mostly stayed in their own rooms and barely spoke to each other otherwise — unless they were arguing. Draco followed everything his father said, did everything expected of him, and Y/N couldn't really blame him, because she knew what happened when they didn't; she almost never did, and Draco scolded her for it, especially after Lucius already had.

She made friends with Dobby, she managed to practice Quidditch by herself in the backyard and commentated the entire thing loudly, even when they had guests. She wouldn't respond to anything said of the Dark Lord, and she did nothing to please the other Death Eaters when she saw them. She hardly spoke to them, even when spoken to, and she didn't like talking to the other children of Death Eaters. Only a pleading look from Narcissa would get a word out of Y/N. It was with the Death Eaters when Draco would start to agree with her, as he didn't like it either — he must've felt the evilness of it, the sinister feeling that came with all of it — but he always did what Lucius said even then, and he made sort of friends with the others.

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