Preference: Music | Marvel

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I haven't written a song imagine or preference in a while, so I decided I wanted to write one now. There's really no cohesive theme throughout this beside the fact that they're based on songs. Some of these are longer than others. I got a bit carried away on Peter Parker's.

And Sam's is mostly fighting, so that's cool. So is Tony's, but in a very different light.

I feel like I've used some of these songs before but like not with these characters so I guess it's fine?

Also can you tell I can't find very many love songs on my playlist?

Also, also, wow this is long.

Also, also, also, I'm now updating Saving Grace (my Peter Parker/Tony Stark's daughter fanfic) three times a week!

Also, also, also, also, here is your weekly encouragement from me: Things are tough right now, but they will get better! God is with us, He hears our prayers, and He is working! Seek joy every day, and remember that you are loved!

Summary: An instance with a Marvel character based on a song.

QOTP: What's your favorite song?

Word Count: 12977

Bucky - "Tear in My Heart" by twenty one pilots
Sometimes you gotta bleed to know that you're alive and have a soul. But it takes someone to come around to show you how.

After everything that happened to him — Hydra, falling from the train, his time as the Winter Soldier, getting snapped, and his best friend getting old without him, dying from old age when, five seconds before, he didn't look more than thirty. But it wasn't five seconds for him.

Bucky knew what Steve was gonna do, before he left. They said goodbye, and Bucky was happy for him. He was happy that he was able to have a good life, a quiet life, have a family. But he lost his best friend, and he couldn't be happy about that.

Time passed. Steve was still gone. The world was quiet. Sam was around, trying to figure out how to be Captain America, but he hung out with Bucky when he could, invited him out places. But Bucky became numb. Numb to all of it. Until he realized he could feel again.

Until he felt pain.

She's the tear in my heart. I'm alive. She's the tear in my heart. I'm on fire. She's the tear in my heart. Take me higher than I've ever been.

When they met, she'd hit him — literally and figuratively. She'd been walking down the street with a friend, telling a story, gesturing wildly, and Bucky was walking in other direction with Sam. She'd caught both of their attentions immediately, of course; Sam was laughing — not necessarily at her, but, yeah, at her — while Bucky was only smiling in amusement, as her beauty had hit him immediately.

Because of this, though, he was distracted, and when they got closer, she wasn't paying attention either, and her hand flew out and smacked him directly in the face.

She turned. "Oh, my gosh, I'm so sorry! Are you okay?"

Her friend look on in highly amused shock, Bucky was laughing, and Sam was silently crying from laughing so hard. He was trying to speak but couldn't, so Bucky went ahead and answered her. "I'm alright. It's fine."

"I'm really so sorry-"

"It's okay."

"That was awesome," Sam managed.

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