Calculated Risk (Part Three) | Loki Laufeyson

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Weekly Verse: "But He said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.' Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me." 2 Corinthians 12:9

Weekly Encouragement: God's got this! This won't last forever! Remember you are loved and never alone! Keep praying, and seek joy in Him!

Ways to support Black Lives Matter: . Become educated on the situation in our country/world, and on who the organization is and what they stand for and what their goals are, so you know what you stand for and what your goals are.

Video to watch to donate to BLM: (or search "how to financially help BLM with no money" on YouTube)

Thanks to vintage_grace and simply_jenna3000 for 1) helping me pick out a name and 2) just being amazing, supportive people.

Part Three of Five
Summary: While the TVA struggled against their perps, Loki and Y/N also faced a struggle within themselves.

QOTP: TFatWS or Loki?

Word Count: 4189

Another wave of nausea hit Y/N, and all of her surroundings seemed to spin. But that time, she wasn't going to let it keep her on the ground. She got to her feet, gun in hand as she went straight for Vertigo, running past Loki, who was still half on the ground.

Vertigo turned just before Y/N reached her, and her eyes widened as she lashed out in fear. She brought her arms around and swung, forcing Y/N to dodge before swinging right back, though she was cleaner in her strike. It didn't land where she'd wanted it to, seeing as her vision was swimming, but it still connected, and so did the one after that.

Vertigo seemed to panic and directed more of her energy towards Y/N, and it was too much, forcing Y/N to the ground. However, it helped the others get to them faster.

Loki went to Y/N while the other agents went for Vertigo, who was forced to direct her attention to them as she was led farther away. Loki held out a hand to her, and she unceremoniously grabbed his arm, using it to pull herself up. It nearly knocked him down at first; he wasn't expecting it.

"I really wish she would stop doing that," Y/N said irritatedly, watching Neil running at Vertigo, the others behind him.

"Are you alright?" Loki asked.

Her head was pounding, and her stomach still felt queasy, but her surroundings were mostly back in focus. "Yeah."

He didn't seem to believe her. "Are you sure?"

"We don't have time to rest," Y/N insisted. "We need to get in the fight."

Despite the concern on his face, Loki didn't try to stop her, and they both ran at Vertigo. She was spreading her power through the whole group, weakening it. Loki still combated it with magic as best he could, while the others moved in to take Vertigo down. She fought, but there were four of them, and one of them was especially angry at her. It seemed as though they were going to take her in with ease.

However, two more players entered the field.

In front of Y/N, a large man with blonde hair, his face fixed into a rage-filled scowl, baring his pointed teeth, exited a nearby building. He wore all black under a long, dull red coat — not good for fighting, but it certainly attributed to the aesthetic he was going for. Most singularly, though, were his hands, as his fingernails ended in long, sharp claws.

Imagines and Preferences: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now