ՏᑌᖇᐯIᐯᗩᒪ II

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Taehyun approached Jake and Sunghoon and offered his hand.

"I believe it's time for us to leave, Jake..." he said looking at the aussie boy. Sunghoon accepted Taehyun's hand and he helped him stood up.

"I'll take him to Castle Enhypen myself! Don't worry!" Taehyun said before proceeding to help Sunghoon walk. But before they left, Taehyun turned to the rest of the ilanders who was glaring at him. "I won't salvage him..." he scoffed and finally decided to leave.

Jake watched as Taehyun and Sunghoon left with their horses. Until they're gone, he made his way back to the ilanders as Heeseung proceeded to march to the red ring.

Beomgyu grinned at the boy in front of him before switching his eyes to his hands. He noticed that Heeseung did not carry any weapon to protect himself.

"I will expect a lot from you Heeseung! Do not disappoint me... Nor embarass me in front of my colleagues..." Beomgyu said with a plain look. Heeseung smiled and nodded his head.

Both posed for a fighting stance. The first one to attack is Beomgyu. Heeseung was quick enough to dodge but was also hit a few times.

He catched his mentor's fists and twisted it. But beomgyu twisted his body changing their position. He pulled Heeseung and lifted him up before throwing him to the ground.

Heeseung immediately stood up and ran to attack. He tried pushing down Beomgyu with his strength but his mentor was effortless strong. Beomgyu started kneeing his abdomen while he block it with both his arms.

Then he suddenly jumped towards him and wrapping the boy's neck between his legs. Heeseung tapped the ground and luckily picked an arrow. He stabbed it on his leg but his hand was prevented by Beomgyu's hand. He let go of Heeseung's neck but not his hand. He took the arrow from him and used it to stab on his chest.

Heeseung blocked the arrow with his hand making him yell in pain. He kicked his mentor on the crouch to give himself time to move away. And when he did, Beomgyu was already attacking him with two arrows on his hands.

Heeseung quickly took a small dagger behind his back and used it to defend himself. He groaned feeling every cut his mentor left on his abdomen.

"How long has it been?" Lisa whispered at Jungkook. Her eyes diverted at the two still on their fight in the ring. "It's been 10 minutes... I'm surprised Heeseung lasted more than five!" Jungkook replied and secretly offering his hand.

"This means I won, doll!" He whispered wearing a sly grin. Lisa rolled her eyes before pulling out a few pieces of gold coins and placing it on his hand.

"Next time doll! Don't underestimate Beomgyu's students!" He chuckled pressing his thumb on her hand. Lisa rolled her eyes ignoring the man beside her.

"Yoongi hyung trained Beomgyu, so it's only obvious that Heeseung will end up meeting the same training!" Jungkook muttered proudly, whilst crossing his arms.

"Lisa! Your turn!" Jungkook and Lisa immediately turned to Namjoon with a startled expression.

"Did you two made a bet again?!" Ryujin snorted unladylike followed by a humorous laugh from Kai and Yuna.

Jungkook playfully hid his golden coins to his pocket and smiled at them. He looked at the two in the red ring and saw Heeseung lying unconscious with a three arrows stabbed on his right chest and abdomen and one on his left leg.

Beomgyu on the other side, he was holding his bleeding neck and on his other hand is a bloody arrow.

"It's your turn now!" Beomgyu said standing on his feet. He walked towards Ryujin as Lisa proceeded to the red ring.

K and Jay stood up to take Heeseung out of the ring. With Hanbin replacing his place.

Hanbin used his sword to throw all the scattered arrows away. While Lisa watched her with a smug smile on her face.

"It will be my pleasure to fight you in this ring!" Hanbin chuckled posing into a fighting stance. Lisa laughed as she posed the same stance.

Both of them fought with sword and the banging of metals sounded like music to their ears. What made them difference from the others, is that they are both laughing. Instead of trying to kill each other purposely, it's more like they are only training each other.

Hours more counted with everyone meeting in the ring. Unfortunately. One among the 12 ilanders were unlucky to have survived.

Geonu who was Jennie's student. He died in battle and didn't even made it until two minutes. It turned out that a sniper like him wasn't a match to an assassin like Jennie.

The rest of the ilanders were badly injured. Some broke a leg. Some were shot and stabbed. And a few met the same consequences as Jake and Heeseung. Both of them happened to have the worst injury.

"Why must we talk about this when Jennie just killed her own student! Isn't that what you want?!" Jimin snorted crossing his legs on his seat.

"They just lost another fellow ilander! They haven't started grieving yet and you want them to immediately prepare for Danté!" Lisa exclaimed shooting glares at their leader.

"So? They're almost winning! There's no time to waste!" Yoongi muttered taking a sip from his chalice of wine.

"Besides! We don't have much time! We have a fight waiting for us! The others already went there! Staying here will bore me to death!" Beomgyu scoffed playing with the grapes from the table.

All of the remaining mentors stayed at the North Wing. Currently discussing for the ilanders' next test.

"Beom! Killing isn't a must!" Ryujin reprimanded rolling her eyes.

"We can just postpone the discussion about Danté! Instead, why not discuss about bringing them to our quarters? That way they can be able to process this reality with the time they have." Taehyung suggested whilst rubbing his chin. Namjoon remained quiet as the others waited for his decision.

He twisted his fingers and slowly nodded his head. "Alright! I approve! We shall bring them to the quarters tomorrow! Maybe they'll be motivated if they see what we're actually fighting for!" He said and stood up leaving the rest of them. His members decided of following him as the others remained for a while.

"I'm kinda excited! I wonder what their reaction will be if they saw what we're risking our lives for!" Beomgyu stated though with a blank face.

"Yeah! Excited? Show us!" Ryujin laughed pinching the boy's cheeks. "Stop it!" The boy tried pushing her away but the girl is already sitting on his lap.

"What's wrong Beom? Am I turning you on!?" She giggled continiously playing with his cheeks.

"I'm curious too! Hyung! Remember what Heeseung and K said on their first day? Namjoon's probably impressed because they almost got it right!" Kai chuckled playfully clapping his hands.

"Anyway! Speaking of their first day! Beomgyu! I remembered you gave Heeseung and his friends a hard time!" Lisa added as she and Yuna laugh.

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