ᕼᗴᗴՏᗴᑌᑎᘜ & ᕼᗩᑎᗷIᑎ

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They eventually found the two. But not fondly of what was behind them. The Shadow is just behind Hanbin and Sunghoon so they had no time to explain.

Heeseung and K drastically dragged the two with them pulling them to where the others are.

Unfortunately, they were slowing down as Hanbin wouldn't stop vomiting blood. His sight were blurry and his knees were wobbly. He feels so dizzy and overwhelming with weakness.

"There!!!" K exclaimed once they took sight of the others gathered behind the iron bars.

"Hurry!!! It's right behind you!!!" The ilanders were screaming at them while the three mentors are just casually watching them with poker faces.

K pulled out the last arrow on his back and shot the Shadow. It halted once the arrow got its forehead earning a torturous growl from it.

However it still tailed them but atleast not as close as it was.

"Come on! We're almost there hyung!" Heeseung muttered when he saw K and Sunghoon making it pass behind the bars.

"I can't..." Hanbin suddenly stopped on his track causing Heeseung to panic. And so does everyone in the cell.

K and Jay tried to come out but they suddenly couldn't. It seemed like a force field was preventing them to leave the cell.

The others tried to go out as well but they couldn't having no idea that it was the mentors that created the force field to prevent them from risking their lives.

They have also created another force field that was stopping the Shadow to run towards the two who was having their final conversation between each other.

It was the least thing they could do to help them.

"What are you stopping for!!!? Get your asses over here!!!" K bellowed, his veins are about to pop.

"Go! I can give you enough time to run to them..." Hanbin muttered with a hoarse voice.

"No! No! I'm not gonna leave you here!" Heeseung cried, his eyes darted at the Shadow who was forcefully slamming itself on the blue like force field.

"Listen to me Heeseung! We're both injured! If we run together, we won't make it..." Hanbin held on his shoulders, yet his eyes whipped to the Shadow who was slowly breaking the force field that was preventing it from attacking them both.

"If you go by yourself, you'll have a chance to live!"

"No! We both have a chance to live!"

"No! You listen to me!!! My body is broken and you yourself can see its obvious! You have to go to them now! If we both die here, who's gonna help K to take care of the young ones? Do you know how much it will hurt him if he loses us both?"

"You're very important to all of us that you must remain alive!"

"Hyung! You're important too! Because if you're not, did you seriously think I'd waste my time here!?" Heeseung exclaimed and tried to carry Hanbin but the latter pushed him away.

"No! Heeseung... You have to go!" He said and forced himself to stood up. He felt his body weaker compare to earlier. It's like every move he makes are killing him.

"But I can't..." Heeseung cried, tears flooding his cheeks.

"Just take my hand and I'll do the rest!" He said offering his shaking hand to the older.

They both turned to the Shadow whose head are now stucked out of the barrier. The only thing left for it to destroy are the lower part of the barrier before it can charge for attack.

"Hey! We don't have time! Let's just say I'll save us today... So you must live, to save our friends from the next test..." Hanbin said with a smile on his face.

It only made Heeseung cry harder and run towards Hanbin engulfing him with a last hug.

"Being part of Iland is the best thing that ever happened in my life... And I'm glad that the last thing I'll ever do in my life is to help all of you..." he whispered stroking Heeseung's back.

Heeseung parted from the hug and slowly retreated his feet, walking backwards to the others.

He turned around and run just as when the barrier was finally destroyed.
Hanbin run even though he knows he doesn't stand a chance.
He ran the other way to avoid Heeseung from getting chase.

While Heeseung, he ran without turning his back. Afraid that if he sees his friend get killed, he might never make another single move and just froze dead on the spot.

But he failed when he heard Hanbin's scream that pierced his heart. His heel automatically turned only to see his friend. His soul getting sucked out from his body by the Shadow itself.

It looked so horrible that the figure of Hanbin is now nothing but his skeleton that eventually turned into ashes.

Heeseung fell on his knees. Tears would no longer stop streaming his cheeks. And the pain coated him like how the darkness easily coated the Shadow.

He felt someone pulled him from the inside of the cell and the next thing he knew was that his fellow Ilanders are all comforting him with a warm hug.

"Kai... Open the portal..." Beomgyu ordered and Kai said nothing more and did as told.

He quietly opened a portal behind them all. Trying not to let the cries of the ilanders get to him.

Suddenly. The memories of them having the same painful farewell to their fellow friends.
The same events that someone should live and someone should die.
The painful memory came back to them at the sight of them cuddling together trying to comfort one of their members.

Another one has been taken from them. And now, there's only nine of them left.

Two more deaths and it will all be finally over.

"Let's go..." Taehyun spoke once the portal is opened.

They assisted the boys to enter the portal which led them to a familiar castle which they humbly call home.

Castle Enhypen.

"I never imagined I will be returning here without Hanbin hyung..." Sunoo whispered and cried again.

"Congratulations..." Beomgyu spoke. "You made it for the next test... Now... It's only right that you take a very well deserved rest." He said with still the stone cold expression.

"This day has been very rough. So take rest." Taehyun added and left taking the path to their base.

Once they got off from the sight of the ilanders. Taehyun and Beomgyu halted when Hueningkai stopped on his tracks.

"What's wrong?" Beomgyu asked.

Hueningkai looked at him with teary eyes. "I just can't believe another pure hearted person... such as Hanbin hyung... will die in the hands of a Shadow..." he said almost whispering.

"It feels unfair..." he said and proceeded walking. His tears now falling from his eyes.

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