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A day of two counted with them doing random things. The mentors have decided of giving them as much time as they want. While they prepare for the tests to give them.

"We have our final 12! It's time to level up their tests!" Namjoon said rubbing his chin.

"What should we release first?" Yeji asked scrolling on the hologram images from the round table.

"Stop!" Namjoon gestured his hand at a certain image. Yeji made a frown and looked at Jisoo and Soobin.

"That thing? Namjoon, I must disagree! They're not ready for that yet!" Jisoo exclaimed glaring at the leader.

"That's why they have to get ready! They're already expecting the worst after the last elimination! We should atleast meet that expectation!" Namjoon stated zooming the image large.

Soobin sighed and looked at Namjoon. "I do agree with you! But it's too early for them to encounter Danté... Give them a break!" He said trying to convince Namjoon.

Namjoon remained with his composure and looked at the leaders with him. A few seconds he raised his hands in a manner of giving up.

"Alright! Maybe the next test! But your pick better be meeting 'MY' expectations!" He dared pointing at Soobin. He stood from his seat making his way out of the room.

"Soobin! What do you have in mind?" Jisoo asked but was replied with a sly grin from the boy.

"Are you insane!!?" Both Lisa and Jennie exclaimed and stood up in unison. "You refused of putting Danté on their test! And you're suggesting this!?" Lia added with frustration.

"Come on! Don't tell me you're not gonna do it!" Soobin chuckled playfully.

"Of course not! Soobin! Have you gone real mad!? You want us! To attempt to kill them!" Jungkook exclaimed with his fist clenched.

"We are their mentors and if I can be honest, they don't stand a chance!" Yoongi added but completely undisturbed on his seat.

"They should!" Soobin scoffed with his brow raised with overflowing confidence.

"Namjoon! What do you think?" Yeji asked trying to be calm.

"Tell us again Soobin..." Namjoon spoke. "Their mentors will attempt to kill them! If they can wound their mentor at least once, they pass! They have a simple objective or they'll die! Simple!" Soobin said like simply explaining how earth is a planet in the solar system.

"I don't understand why all of you are acting like this!" Namjoon said and looked at them one by one.

"We are their mentors... And they are our students... Nothing more! I will no longer tolerate any of you on befriending your students!" He said and looked directly to Kai who looked back at him with a blank face.

"We can't be attached to them! So whatever friendship you have with your student, you better end it!" He said as the boy looked away. "Kai! Do you plan of disobeying me?" Namjoon's tone sounded cruel and spooky.

Kai sighed and slowly shook his head.

"Good!" Namjoon said and looked at everyone. "I agree on Soobin's idea! It's much better than putting Danté in the ring with them! Kai! Yuna! You two can brief them of their upcoming test which will be held this Sunday night!" Namjoon said and the others could no longer refuse now that he's made his decision.

"Bangtan! Follow me to the South Wing!" He ordered and left with the rest of his members. Yuna and Kai left as well to find the ilanders.

"I'm so impressed!" Yeonjun uttered with a trace of sarcasm. His hands clapping slowly.

"Soobin! Why did you suggested that?" Rosé asked with a cold tone.

"Nothing! Seriously, why are you guys so causing a fuss about it? Have you really grown attach to your students?" Soobin chuckled and crossed his arms.

"We live in a world where we can't afford to get attach into people that might leave us soon! Until we can be sure... We can't befriend them!" He said with a monotonous voice. His eyes coated with sadness. "Just in case it missed your mind, they practically hates us after we killed half of their friends!" He said and left the room as well.

"They have a point... Let's say we tried of making friends... But it's just really not for us..." Beomgyu said.

"Kai! Don't think too much about it! Jungwon will make it! So don't worry too much!" Yuna assured Kai. Both of them stopped at the balcony while they were looking for the ilanders.

Kai felt bad that he can't approach Jungwon as his friend anymore. He really was happy when he spends time with him. But now, he will have to try and kill him in just a few days.

"Oh! Sir. Kai! Ms. Yuna!" The two immediately turned hearing Jungwon calling them.

He was with Niki and the two must've just finished showering.

"There you are! Can you guys gather everyone? We have an announcement to make!" Kai said and faked a smile. Jungwon and Niki nodded and left.

They came back after a few minutes with the rest of the ilanders. Kai and Yuna stood in the front.

"Within four days... All of you must engage into an extreme training! As in four days, the next single elimination will be held..." Kai said staring at them with his ice cold eyes.

The word elimination must've become a distress signal to the ilanders as they immediately frowned and avoided eye contact.

"All of you have made it to the next Phase of your tests! So the tests itself will be upgrading as well! In four days... you will be preparing for battling with your mentor in the ring!" Yuna said making them more surprised.

"Your objective is simple! Wound your mentor once! And you pass! Your mentors will have no second thoughts of taking your lives! So you must be prepared of facing them in the ring! Train haste! That's all that can help you!"

"Pray... If that will also help!" He said and left with Yuna immediately following him.

With the two mentors gone...

"I'm doomed! Iam so doomed!!!" Jake cried pulling his hair. Trying to control his tears.

"Argh! This is so getting worse!" K screamed kicking the coffee table.

"We don't have a choice... We just have to train..." Hanbin shrugged his shoulder. The others were furious of how he can still afford of smiling.

"I've already accepted my fate! I won't make it even with the skills I have so far! So to make my stay worth it... I'll do my best to help you guys!" Hanbin said cheerfully gesturing with his hands.

"Hanbin's right! All we need is train! We just need to wound them! Not kill them!" Geonu said trying to convince the others.

"We should probably go to bed now! Like Sir. Kai said! We need to train extremely!" Jungwon said as he try to comfort Heeseung who went absolutely speechless of the sudden announcement.

Darlings.... So sorry if I haven't updated for weeks😅😅😅

Anyways. ENHYPEN have made their debut! Let's support them🎊🎉🎊🎉🎉🎊

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