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"We should check in the library first! It's a big space so I'm pretty sure they hid maybe atleast one name tag there..." Sunoo suggested leading the two to the library.

Daniel is holding a torch since the whole place is dark and that no electricity seems to be working at the moment.

They followed Sunoo to the library since his idea seems to be sensible.

"We should separate. The library is quite big anyway!" Sunghoon said and took the torches on both side of the library's entrance. He handed the other torch to Sunoo.

"Come on..." Daniel spoke entering the library first. He used the torch and slightly wave it to illuminate the books.

They eventually separated from each other without them noticing. Walking to different bookshelves.

"What exactly does our name tag looks like?" Sunoo asked raising his tone a little to let the others hear.

"Something fragile?" Daniel asked back.

"Is it made out of glass then?" Sunghoon asked chuckling a little.

His eyes looking at every books forgotting a little of why they are awake during lights out.

Sunghoon was never fond of books before and barely even made his way to this library. But looking at them right now feels a little wondrous.

His eyes immediately squinted when the torch illuminated something that made a painful reflection to his eyes.

He stepped back a little cocking hisbhead to that thing. He slitted his eyes stepping closer to it.

Once he realized what it is. "Guys!!!" He immediately called for them while trying to take the little glass thing from the bookshelf as careful as he could.

"What!? Did you found it?" Daniel arrived first closing the torch to the shelf where Sunghoon was pulling something.

It created another reflection that made them both bob down their heads and squinted their eyes.

"Maybe we should stop doing that!" Sunghoon said giving his torch to Daniel before he continued pulling the shimmery thing off the shelf.

"Careful! It looks really breakable!" Daniel muttered watching the older do his magic.

"Yeah! Which genius thought of using a thin glass as a name tag!" Sunghoon snorted and decided to just pull the books instead so there will be enough space to pull the glass name tag without any pressure.

"Where's Sunoo?" Daniel asked when he noticed the missing boy even after Sunghoon called for them.

"Got it!" Sunghoon exclaimed and looked at the name tag.

At first there isn't a name written on it which made the two confused. But when Daniel returned the torch to Sunghoon. His name slowly appeared making both of them to gasp in shock.

"Oh my God!!! That's my name!" Sunghoon exclaimed showing the name tag to Daniel who smiled at him with satisfaction.

His name was written inside the glass with a silver dust. Just by looking at it makes them both feel nostalgic.

"We found yours! Let's start looking for ours now!" Daniel said and they began looking for Sunoo who became oddly quiet.

They started calling for him and worry are now evident on their faces when the said boy didn't even responded atleast once.

The two became more worried as more minutes pass by.

"W-where is he?" Daniel was trying so hard not to panic but his own mind was betraying him and now he's a shivering mess.

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