Tᕼᗴ TᕼᖇOᑎᗴ ᖇOOᗰ

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Jake and Heeseung have been wandering around the library for goodness knows how long.

It's actually a question for them why no monsters have shown up to them yet. Which is why both have lay down their guards and casually search for their missing name tag.

"We've been searching here for hours! I don't thing we'll find any name tag here!" Jake groaned after he just strolled 15 bookshelves.

"Maybe we should check on the tunnel!" Heeseung suggested but the latter grimaced at him.

"No no! I would never go there unless we have no other choice!" He chuckled folding his arms. "Besides! We haven't check the other rooms yet!" He added with a grin gesturing the older male to leave with him.

The two decided to finally leave the library and went to where the round table and flags are located.

"Jackpot!" Jake and Heeseung chuckled settling their eyes on the sparkling thin glass on the table.

Heeseung stepped on the table despite the hologram activating with his infos showcasing on it. He walked towards the thin glass and picked it before he returned to where Jake is.

"There's no name-- Oh!" Heeseung mumbled when his name magically appeared inside the thin glass.

"Great! Now we'll just have to look for yours!" He said and looked at Jake. But his eyed passed behind him noticing a tall figure that remind him the same thing back at that hidden forest.

His eyes slitted and he pulled Jake closer to him. Jake turned around when he noticed Heeseung's actions. And he as well saw that figure that is slowly walking out of the shadows.

"What is that?" He asked, barely audible.

"Find the trap door... When I say go, you'll jump in and run..." The older commanded.

"What about you!?" Jake whisper yelled at him.

"Go! I'll be right behind you!" Heeseung muttered and shot him a glare.

Jake bit his lips as he was hesitant to leave the older alone.

"I'll jump! But I won't run without you!" He said before he slowly walled towarda the trap door which will lead him to the tunnel.

Once Heeseung saa Jake open the trap door, his eyes switched to the tall figure who suddenly stopped on his spot.

He pulldd an arrow from his back and aimed it at the figure. Knowing this monster is immune to any hit, the least thing his arrow can do is give him enough seconds to run.

And once he let go of the arrow, he yelled at Jake which made the latter run a she sprinted towards the trap door with the tall monster running towards him.

"What the f**k was that!!?" Jake yelled while they were running to a dark tunnel.

He didn't really saw the creature before when they were at the hidden forest. So he was a bit taken aback of how it looked like.

"Ghaad!!! I thought my name tag will break!" Heeseung managed to laugh in relief knowing that he didn't break his name tag.

"Ahaha! You should be more glad you didn't break your neck!" Jake fired back.

They continued running which lead them to the end of the tunnel and another trap door.

The two climbed up to find a single iron door.

"Hold this!" Heeseung handed his name tag to Jake and he started pushing the door forward.

Jake out down the name tag and offered help to Heeseung. They both tried opening the iron door which eventually worked.

"Woah!!!" Both had their mouths agaped at the throne room before their eyes.

Heeseung chuckled and picked his name tag before they both entered the throne room.

"Man! You made it!" Jake exclaimed with so much excitement pulling Heeseung to the golden chair on top of all the chairs.

Jake took his name tag and placed it on the empty board on top of the golden chair showcasing the Heeseung's name.

He stood in front of him in a fancy manner and began teasing the older. The two became playfully not fully aware of what's to come next.

"Hey! It won't get off!" Heeseung pouted when he can't remove his name tag on the board.

"Well that would really mean you're irreplaceable!" Jake laughed nudging Heeseung on the shoulder.

"Yeah! Maybe we should just leave it here!" He said stepping down his chair. "Come on! Let's find your name tag and tell the others of this place!" He said placing his arms around Jake's shoulder.

And when Jake made it out of the throne room, Heeseung somehow couldn't. The same force field that prevented the ilanders and the Shadow at the Vialem appeared. Hence preventing Heeseung to leave the throne room.

"W-what's wrong?" Jake asked when he noticed that Heeseung can't go out.

He tried to pull him out but the throne room won't let him go.

"H-hyung! Why can't you get out!?" Jake exclaimed pulling his hair in frustration.

"I don't know! But I can't stay here!" Heeseung retorted pushing himself further.

"Hyung! What's that behind you?" Jake asked, his eyes darted at a specific figure that is now approaching them both.

Heeseung immediately turn around to see the same moving statues that chased the ilanders before. He draw out his arrows as Jake did the same.

The two started shooting at the walking statues but it was of no avail. Heeseung ran to attack them and so Jake did too. But he couldn't come inside anymore.

Both the ilanders madly gasped in shock when Heeseung was so close to the statue. Covering himself in case he got attack.

But the statues passed by him like when Sunghoon saw them passing Taehyun.

The statues did not attacked Heeseung. But they sure will to Jake.

"Jake!!! Run!!!" Heeseung bellowed at him.

Jake cried not wanting to leave Heeseung by himself. But he knows that if he stays there, he won't live.

He figured that he can no longer enter the throne room without his name tag. Maybe he was able to enter once, but he can't go back once he leaves.

And for Heeseung, he can't leave the throne room anymore to maintain his position.

Atleast he can be happy that his friend is now safe. And that he only have to worry for himself and his friends now.

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