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"Where are they? Why aren't they coming back yet?" Niki asked restlessly.

It's been hours since the three left them to rescue Heeseung and Jake. Currently. The hounds are still trying to break in the house.

They were just doing fine not letting one of them in. But it was only on the first two hours.

"What the hell! It's like they don't run out!!!" Jay yelled as he continue stabbing the hounds trying to enter their heads with his sword.

"I hope the others are fine!" Taki exclaimed.

Suddenly, the hounds suddenly stopped breaking in. Of course the older ones got curious. They don't think it is over yet.

They know the hounds aren't the type of giving up on their target. There must've been other reason.

This question was soon answered when they heard a familiar growl.

"It would be better if it's just the leader of the hounds... But my guts are telling me something else!" Sunoo worriedly stated.

"Well Sunoo! Whatever your guts are telling you, my guts will definitely agree..." Jay commented and swayed his sword to wipe off the blood.

"What do we do?" Taki asked and they all turned to Nicholas who was left incharge of them.

"Hyung! It's the same end! Whether we stay here and be cornered by whatever's waiting for us out there! Or we go out there and faced if it was death already waiting for us..." Jungwon muttered as he starts picking whatever's left of his arrows.

Sunoo started doing the same. Even thought he's afraid and he's not denying it. He thinks that it is enough to die with his friends. To not die alone.

"Jungwon is right!" Jay scoffed as he started to approach the door.

He held the doorknob as Nicholas immediately grabbed his arm.

"We go out... Together..." Nicholas said and Jay nodded his head letting out a sad smile.

The two looked at the others and they nodded their heads in agreement.

Sunoo heaved a deep sigh as Jay started turning the knob thus opening the door.

They all left the house. And the pack of hounds were thirsting over them, behind a very dangerous creature.

"W-what is that!?" Niki exclaimed with his lips trembling.

It was the same creature that hurted Heeseung and Jake.

They formed a killing stance. They decided to face whatever it is that is so thirsting on eating their flesh.

There are exactly two of them. And behind them are the hounds that are possibly countless.

"Guys! It's always a pleasure knowing all of you!" Sunoo yelled at them as his tears started falling down his cheeks.

*     *     *

Despite of what just happened at the beach. K, Sunghoon and Hanbin had no choice but to come back for their friends.

They trust that the champions will do their best to take care of Heeseung and Jake.

As they are approaching the house. They can feel that something worse are waiting for them.

"The house!!!" Sunghoon yelled and pointed at the house that is finally on their sight.

K and Sunghoon was about to run first. But then Hanbin suddenly stood frozen.

"Guys... I... After Heeseung and Jake... I can't... I don't think I can expect something like it anymore!" Hanbin felt frustrated.

He doesn't feel like going. But whatever the reason he gives, he knows he needed to go.

K walked towards him and pursed a smile. "Hanbin! Whatever's waiting for us in there... W-we have to be strong enough to face it... This is iland! This is our punishment! We must be brave to survive this!" K forced a smile.

Sunghoon immediately looked away. He can feel his tears are threatening to fall so he immediately tilted his head up.

"Let's go!" K said and they started taking the track back to the house.

As they were approaching. They moticed the blood scattered on the muddy ground. Including dead hounds everywhere.

The three scattered looking at the dead hounds all over the place. They're still not so near from the house.

K saw a very familiar hairy creature. He slowly approached it and then he got certain.

It was the same creature that nearly killed Heeseung and Jake. But...

"What happened to you..." K whispered and sat down in front of it.

He used his bow to turn it and to his surprise. Three familiar daggers are strucked on its body. Two on its heart and one on the head.

K grabbed the dagger and scanned it with his eyes.

Then a memory of Taki throwing it like a few hours ago flashed in his mind.

"Noooooooo!!!!!" A loud scream that came from Hanbin making both Sunghoon and K ran towards him.

Hanbin knelt down covering his face. As soon as Sunghoon saw what he's seen, he covered his mouth in surprise.

"Oh no..." it was the only word that came out of his mouth.

And when K arrived, he saw Jungwon lying unconscious on the ground.

His hand were gripping his broken bow.

Sunghoon immediately ran towards the house and there he saw the others.

Like Jungwon. All of them were unconscious. Injured.


Sunghoon screamed on the top of his lungs. Letting out all his mixed emotions burst out.

Soon he was followed by screams from Hanbin who was hugging Niki.

"What have I done...." K muttered.

He couldn't hear their screams but the loud silence slowly taking over his world.

His tears fell slowly to his cheeks. He sobbed as he looled at the bodies one by one.

And then he turned to Sunghoon and Hanbin.

It was just like this afternoon when I was watching them laughing...

Watching his friends crying broke his heart. He felt like he did not do his best that this happened.

"This is my fault! This is my fault!!!" Sunghoon yelled as Hanbin ran to him snatching something from his hand.

Sunghoon was about to commit suicide.

"No! Don't!" Hanbin cried. His entire body were shaking.

"Please.... Tell me this is just a dream!" Sunghoon cried as he began to kneel down the ground.

Hanbin passed out. And was soon followed by Sunghoon and K.

So guys.... share what you thought of the chapter.

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