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The ilanders went back to their castle five hours after midnight. Namjoon himself brought them back.

"Before I leave! I want to inform you of your next test!" He said standing before them.

He opened the ipad he's been carrying since they left the base. He tapped something on it and a hologram appeared.

An image of a huge and looking-like-tree-monster is shown.

"This is a monster from Arcadia! Supposedly, it shouldn't be anywhere but it's lair! However, someone got in their nests and lurked out hundreds of them. So whenever someone goes to Arcadia. They are getting welcomed by this creatures!"

"We call them Noise Demons! NOIDEMS for short. NOIDEMS are blind creatures. But their reflexes works like lightning! They may be blind, but their ears are as sharp as blades."

"They can hear the most quiet whisper you can make! And once they do, they will run to you like a tornado destroying everything it run to!"

"And Danté is the remaining NOIDEM. He is actually the strongest making him the last species. He can't be killed."

"So for your next test! All of you will be brought to Danté's nest! And your main goal is to leave the nest quietly!"

Namjoon grinned waiting for anyone to say a few words.

"We're not going to kill the monster?" Jay asked with confusion coating his expression.

Namjoon shook his head and waited for more question.

"Danté can hear every possible noise. Especially in his nest... So I think even just trying to leave his nest would be very difficult..." Heeseung said, his eyes looking at Namjoon to see if he understands their next test right. Which then the leader nodded his head.

"Any questions?" Namjoon asked with a deep tone. None of the 11 ilanders spoke and he nodded his head. "Then I'll take my leave!" He said and then left.

K let out a deep sigh before leading everyone inside the castle. Their eyes scanned all the paintings at the hallway. The paintings that was blanked just last night. Now painted with the horrifying images of zombies.

And when they arrived at the common room of the castle. The first thing that greeted them are the broken vases and tables. The scattered glasses and blood all over the floor.

"Wow! We're cleaning all this!?" Jake exclaimed stomping his left foot on the broken glasses.

"Don't worry hyung! We'll cheer you up!" Niki chuckled.

A few days after they were briefed on their next test. Ryujin and Beomgyu came to their castle tranquilizing each one of them.

While they were unconscious, the champions moved them to the NOIDEMS LAIR as stealth as possible.

Ryujin and Beomgyu left them a note for clues of what they should find to help them exit the lair. The note is stucked on Heeseung's coat.

They didn't leave and stayed in the nest to watch them w ithout them knowing.

The first one to wake up is Jungwon. He looked around and saw nothing but an entire wasteland. The wind is blowing quite harsh yet the atmosphere is increasing in temperature. The skies and clouds are also a mixture of red and orange.

Every direction shows him nothing helpful. And it made him reach into a conclusion that he's no longer in the island. But the so famous lair of the NOIDEM.

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