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"When will he stop crying!? It's been forever since he's crying his eyes out!" Yeonjun scoffed slamming his fist on the table.

When the three came back to their main base, Kai suddenly locked himself in his room and cried which been lasting for almost two days.

His fellow mentors became worried for him. That even Yeonjun and Soobin had to return from Arcadia to see him.

As much as Yoongi wanted to break in the younger's room, he didn't want to ruin his privacy. He knows and understands well that Kai feels really sensitive right now.

Kai is very close to the ilanders especially Sunoo, Jungwon and Hanbin. It also applies to Lisa whose Hanbin's mentor. But the latter remained with her composure and tried not to dwell with it too much.

Beomgyu told them what Kai had said about Hanbin's death. It made him and Taehyun regret of bringing Kai with them. Or bringing the ilanders to Vialem. They resented themselves knowing that the death of another ilander injured their precious youngest member.

"Yuna... Can't you go in there? I'm sure he'll talk to you..." Soobin asked looking at the tall girl.

"I'll try..." she said and smiled at them before she walked to his room.

They could still his muffled cries especially when the door opened for the girl.
They all stood up in surprise waiting for what will happen next.

"Kai... Are you alright?" She asked looking at Kai peeking behind the door.

Kai slowly nodded his head in respond of her question.

"C-can I come in? I just want to make sure you're good..." she said almost whispering and Kai slowly opened the door to allow the girl to come in.

Once Yuna made it inside, Kai locked the door again.

"That kid is lucky that he have a few days to act like this..." Yoongi scoffed taking a sip from his liquor.

"You know how Kai felt about the Shadow's victims... Give him a space..." Namjoon reprimanded and glared at him.

"Still. He's a f**king champion like us! He shouldn't be acting like this!" Yoongi hissed gulping the remaining shot from his drink.

"Hyung! Kai is only 18! Do you really expect him to be as cold hearted as you!?" Yeonjun couldn't help but glowered at the older male.

Yoongi didn't said anything and only glared at Yeonjun.

"Yeonjun is right hyung! Let's just give him a break... I'm pretty sure Kai will get better soon! Now that Yuna is there to help him!" Taehyung added.

Yuna sighed before she stood up and pulled the blanket to cover Kai who is already sleeping soundly.

Once she's sure he's deep in his slumber, she went out of his room and saw the mentors waiting for her.
She felt a little touched that even the BTS members chosed to stay to see how he's doing.

"Well?" Namjoon furrowed his brows with his arms folded.

"He's asleep. But he's fine now! I'm sure he can face you all tomorrow." She said and gave them an assuring smile.

"What did he tell you?" Taehyun asked not bothering to look at her.

"He just felt really bad of what happened last night. He said he didn't expected to see Hanbin get killed like that. And I think that somehow triggered him and reminded him of when he was in their position..." Yuna explained.

"Okay. That's better. Thanks a lot..." Soobin said smiling at the girl.

"You two can stay until he wakes up. 'Til then, return to Arcadia..." Namjoon said before he left with his members.

"How is he?" K asked once Sunghoon and Jungwon came out of their room. Since the two are sharing rooms with Heeseung.

"He'll be out in a minute... And he's fine now..." Jungwon said.

"He said he's going to join us on training today..." Sunghoon added and K only nodded his head.

It's been 3 days already after their previous test. K and the rest of the ilanders have decided that it would be better for Heeseung to take a rest as much as he want.

It doesn't matter if Beomgyu scold him for being too immature. And using Hanbin's death as an excuse for training when the rest of the ilanders were able to go on.

They just wanted Heeseung to take everything off in his mind and search for the peace he really deserves atleast for a few days.

Heeseung stayed in his room a lot. Sometimes he goes to the library by himself. Or sometimes at the hill. He preferred to be by himself with all the peace and silence.

Atleast it took him only 3 days before he finally decided to get off his darkened shell and come meet his friends who's been worried sick about him.

He figured. Maybe joining their training will keep off his mind from this depressing grief. Like it always does when Taki and Geonu died.

The ilanders were very worried as Heeseung is one of their standing leader. They were afraid that Hanbin's death took too much of a toll on him. And that sooner or later he might no longer be sane.

He avoided them for 3 whole days. He didn't talk to any of them. Not even to K or Jay.

But luckily, when Heeseung finally got back on his feet. They were all relieved to see their friend join them. To see him smile again.
To see him hold his bow and shoot the bullseye of the target.

To hear him saying...

"I'm alright... I'm fine now..."

"I'm sorry if I made you all worried for days..." he spoke to them wearing a sincere yet sad smile.

"It's okay hyung! What matters is that you're here now! And you didn't give up on us!" Sunoo cheered giving him a thumbs up.

Before, whenever they used to have conversation having the same atmosphere. They make promises to each other that they will all stay together and pass the test.

But when all the grounders died. Their promises were buried deep under the ground like it was nothing.

And then Geonu and Taki. And now Hanbin.

The truth sounded harsh. But none of them dared to make another promise that will only be broken.

Except of the promise that they will all help each other and never give up.

Survive Into The I LAND // ConnectWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu