Blood of A Seeker -13-

Start from the beginning

I winced, keeping my eyes on the humanoid Seekers. Their burning red and white-blue eyes scared me, sending shivers down my aching spine.

Quickly, I cupped my hands and produced a thread of orange, focusing intently to form the code I needed; it looked like a bass clef.

“Heal fast,” I commanded, keeping the code shimmering faintly within the confines of my hands. Without thinking, I bent my arms and placed my glowing hands on my back.

Almost immediately did the effects take place: the swollen skin deflated back to normal and the thin cuts had patched themselves back together. I was glad my injury hadn’t been any deeper than surface cuts.

The recognisable wail of a Seeker snapped me back into action. I recalled some techniques to do with my gift to help me incapacitate a Seeker from a few lessons with Mr. Harvey. I set my feet apart shoulder-width, raised my arms at the oncoming Seeker and flicked my wrists forward, fingers outstretched and skin white from the strain.

Long orange cords shot from my fingertips, producing a net of orange lines weaving together through the air. Oliver had specifically helped master this neat trick to encourage non-violence when I fought. Even I had to admit, the idea of trapping Seekers rather than killing them would ease my conscience better, especially when they appeared humanoid.

Two Seekers were down under my net when another tackled me to the side and started snarling at me in a beast-like fashion.

“Get off!” I shouted, punching it in the gut and slapped it across the face.

The Seeker leapt off me gracefully, baring its teeth like an animal yet remained a somewhat human composure. “Bring it on, Seeker.”

She launched at me without a second thought, unable to produce coherent words and resorted to incessant growling. I had no idea a human could even make such an animalistic sound – but then again, these weren’t exactly Seekers.

I flung out an arm and watched a spear of orange skewer it in the shoulder, emitting a shriek through the air.

Acting quickly, my knee met her gut, followed by a swing of my fist which rammed into her temple. She fell like a rag doll and I moved on.

The entire neighbourhood had suddenly grown eerily still and quiet, not a single wail or peep of a Seeker breaking the silence. I glanced up to find Protectors hurling dead humanoid bodies of Seekers into a pile. One of them held a bottle of alcohol, much to my distaste, but when they started pouring the liquid onto the corpses, I realised they were about to light them on fire.

Several unconscious bodies remained breathing on the ground. I would have considered them mere innocent, normal humans if I didn’t know any better.

“What are they going to do with these things?” I questioned to Katherine who limped towards me, blood running from her nose and her perfect brown hair matted.

Her appearance took me by surprise; Katherine always had the upper hand in combat: it was certainly shocking to see her so battered.

“Whoa, are you okay?” I caught her into a supportive hug and dragged her over to where Oliver was situated with Jocelyn, the two discussing heatedly with each other. “Hey Oliver, Katherine needs your healing skills.”

His eyes widened as he took his sister into his arms and settled her down against the trunk, starting to tend to her wounds. Oliver lifted his hands, producing a green glow from his palms. “Thanks, Sage.”

Jocelyn’s green eyes snapped to me, narrowed to slits in a cat-like manner. “You can go home now.”

“No, stay,” Katherine mumbled, smiling at me weakly and flinched when Oliver gently touched her nose with a glowing green finger. “Some idiot broke my nose.”

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