"Is it because of students being called to war?" he asked carefully and watched as Professor Fai's frown deepened.

"Ah, so you already know then." Their apprehensive looks were all the confirmation he needed. He sighed. "Suppose that spares me the time to explain it myself. Who told you?"

"General Byteron," replied Nagan.

"He showed up at the end of our flight class and said something like—" Gath puffed up his chest and continued with a poor imitation of the general's voice, "—'I want them to run drills until they can do them in their sleep.'"

Professor Fai barely refrained from rolling his eyes. "He must take pleasure in barging into my classes, even if I'm not there. But moving past that, how was flying?"

Gath bolted forward with a broad grin. "It was amazing!"

"Lieutenant Wyvet and Lieutenant Qentor were great mentors as well," Milora added, "even if Qentor didn't say anything. But he kept a good eye on the ones who were more unstable than the rest."

"He's always been a quiet person," Professor Fai said with a small smile.

"And you want to hear the best part of the whole session?" Az finally sat up and crossed his legs, shooting a sly grin in Nagan's direction. Nagan narrowed his eyes in return, and Professor Fai couldn't help but let out a faint snort.

"What antics did Nagan get into this time?"

"In my defense, it wasn't really my fault," Nagan interjected.

"No, but it was still your dragon," Az noted before turning his attention back to the professor. "Ravi kidnapped Nagan when he was trying to put the saddle on and ended up taking him above the clouds."

"And this was all before we were given actual flight instructions," Milora grinned. "Good thing we were given the flight masks first."

Professor Fai shook his head and chuckled. "I'm not surprised."

Nagan only huffed indignantly at this before muttering, "It's not like I purposefully get myself into these situations."

"I'm sure you don't, you just have either the best luck or the worst luck," Professor Fai said before standing, prompting his students to do the same. "You all better start heading to line up, now."

There was a series of groans as they all begrudgingly stood to follow the professor, all wishing they had more time for their sore muscles to settle.

"Professor Fai?" Nagan asked as they neared the Great Hall. "Who are the ones being called first?"

The professor didn't reply right away. Instead, he turned to face them with a somber expression. His students stopped before him.

"All four of you were, as well as others. By the time you return to your dorms for the night, there should be a scroll waiting for you with your new schedule." He made sure each of them was paying attention to his words with a grim look. What he told them next, he hoped they would take with them for the battles ahead. "For the next three weeks, there will be no room for inattention. Listen to what your instructors have to say, and absorb any sort of advice they give you. Even if it's Byteron. I don't agree with him on many fronts, but I can't deny his experience. Anything you hear and do could be a matter of life or death."

He paused and sighed heavily. "Although I'd prefer that none of you were here in the first place, I'm afraid there isn't much of a choice anymore. Just...promise me you all won't go off trying to act as heroes. Don't do anything reckless."

None of them wanted to go against their professor, and they each promised with sincerity.

"We know this isn't a game," Milora said wisely, "so we'll make sure to do all we can."

"Without dying," Gath added.

"We'll do all we can without adding more unnecessary risk to the best of our abilities," Nagan summarized.

"You better remember your own words, Nagan," Az warned. "I'll hold you to them."

Professor Fai watched as Nagan and Az began to bicker — Milora and Gath occasionally adding their own input without supporting any side in particular — and didn't know whether he should be exasperated or laugh. In the end, he simply smiled and crossed his arms. They were still kids, after all. He could let them be so until they were forced to grow up.

"Alright," he said finally, raising his hand to get them to quiet down. "Get into your lines before you're late."

He could have laughed at their dawning realization, and they all bid him farewell before rushing past him into the Great Hall.

They're children, do you hear me? His words to the councilmen echoed in his mind as he entered behind them, watching as they squeezed into their lines before General Byteron began talking. Am I the only one who understands this?


*stumbles in, glasses slightly askew* I can explain my sudden absence. Kinda. Anyways, I had a crazy 3(?) weeks, lol.

First week: I work in a grocery store for context, and my shipment was literally late every time for that whole week, so I was going in everyday instead of the usual MWF. It's amazing how an additional 10 hours can mess up your week XD

Second week: Boss went on vacation, so again, I was working the entire week, heh.

Third week: Sometime in the middle of the second week I caught something, cause by the weekend I was sick. Like coughing, headache, sore throat, congestion, all that jazz. So by the time Monday rolled around, I actually got told by my work to not show up until I got tested for covid. I was negative (thankfully), but I'm glad I still pretty much got the week off, cause it's probably at least a respiratory flu or something, lol.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this semi-fun chapter (had a lot of ups and downs honestly XD) cause it might be the last fun chapter you read for awhile *insert upside down smiley face*

Also a heads up, I might not get another chapter out by next week since I got a research paper that's due which I have been putting off till last minute soooooooo...wish me luck XD

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