Chapter 22- ( A plan)

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Cassie's POV

Sitting in solitude, I grapple with the weight of it all. It can't be real. She had a future ahead of her, dreams to chase, and now it's all taken away. My heart aches with the burden of guilt; her fate seemed tied to my negligence as a friend. I should've been better, more attentive. I should've protected her. The tears are a constant stream, betraying my inability to control the grief.

A gentle touch on my shoulder startles me, and I turn to see Sam, offering a small, understanding smile. He settles beside me, brushing away my tears with a tender gesture. My head finds its place on his shoulder, seeking a brief solace in his presence.

"Why are you here alone, crying?" Sam's voice is gentle.

"I miss Angie. And I—" I choke on my words, the pain too overwhelming to articulate.

"You miss Leona too," Sam finishes my sentence.

"Cassie, what if Leona isn't responsible for Angie's death? Have you considered that possibility?"

His question lingers in the air, sparking a glimmer of doubt. What if my anger has blinded me to the truth?

"Sam, thank you for being here for me, despite your doubts about Leona. I understand you're trying to support me even if you don't entirely agree," I confess.

He shakes his head, his expression earnest. "It's not about sides, Cassie. I'm here for you because you're hurting, and that matters more than any disagreement."

My heart softens at his words, an appreciation for his genuine concern blossoming within me. But my insecurities creep in, clouding the moment.

"It's clear, Sam. You're with me out of loyalty, not belief. You don't have to pretend anymore. When we return to school, you're free to support Leona. I won't hold it against you."

Sam's sigh is tinged with frustration. "Cassie, it's not as simple as you're making it out to be."

"It is that simple. Your loyalty to me shouldn't cost you your own beliefs. You should head home now. Thank you for stopping by."

His voice holds a sadness I hadn't anticipated. "I'll always be here if you need me."

With a final promise, he rises from his seat and leaves, leaving me alone with my thoughts. A troubling question nags at me, a whisper of doubt that I can't ignore.

"What if Sam is right? What if Leona didn't do it?"

"Am I making the right choices? Or am I just pushing everyone away, fueling my own isolation?" I sigh heavily.

Leona's POV

Angie's mother wields her influence adeptly, securing our return to school through the intervention of Principal Frimpong. However, there's a catch – at least for the time being, we're all relegated to being day students.

The prospect of returning to school looms closer – a mere three days away – and the urgency of the situation is undeniable. It's clear that a plan is necessary, one that can pierce the veil of silence and compel my friends to stand alongside me. The gravity of the situation presses upon me, urging my mind to churn with strategic possibilities.

Each passing moment seems to underscore the weight of the days dwindling away. The familiar halls of our school await, and with them, the potential to unveil the mysteries that have enveloped us. My determination crystallizes as the need for answers grows more pressing by the hour. Yet, my friends remain out of reach, their gazes averted and their voices stilled.

Three days – a mere pocket of time – remain until the bell will toll for our return. Three days to bridge the void that has separated us, to build the bridge of understanding and collaboration that's crucial to unraveling the truth. With the clock ticking relentlessly, my mind races to forge a plan that will reunite us and get justice for our friend Angela.

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