Chapter 32- (The secrets out)

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Bryan's POV

I dress and prepare for the day, noticing the empty dormitory, indicating I must have slept quite deeply. While I'm aware they tried waking me up, it's been futile in the past, making it a somewhat normal occurrence. Packing my belongings, I exit the dorm and head to the cafeteria for breakfast. There's an odd feeling as I move through the room, with people staring and conversing in hushed tones. Acquiring my breakfast, I sit beside Christopher and a few other guys. "Hey Chris, what's up?" I greet before biting into my bread. Christopher's tone changes as he remarks, "I thought we were best friends, Bryan." I reassure him, "We are." A sense of concern settles in as I inquire, "What's bothering you, Chris?" His disappointment is evident as he says, "If we truly were best friends, you'd have told me that Ms. Frimpong is your mom.

You even changed your last name to conceal it?" His expression carries a heavy weight of disappointment. In response, I explain, "Chris, I didn't change my last name. My mom uses her maiden name, and I use my dad's. That's it. And how did you find out?" I question. "Guy, everyone knows," he replies. "It's what everyone's been talking about. I'm deeply disappointed in you, Bryan. I believed we shared everything." He wears a somber look. "I'm genuinely sorry, Christopher. Trust me, there's a valid reason. I'll explain it all later, but right now, I need to address someone." I rise from my seat and make my way to Leona's table, gripping her arm and leading her out of the cafeteria.

"Ouch, Bryan! What's gotten into you? Have you lost your mind?" she demands, a tinge of anger in her voice. "Yes! I have, Leona. Why did you reveal the one thing I explicitly asked you to keep quiet about? Do you realize why I needed you to keep it a secret? Did you crave another kiss so desperately that you couldn't maintain silence?" I exclaim, my anger boiling over.

"Bryan, wait. I didn't say a word. You need to calm down. I promise you, Bryan, I didn't betray your trust," she implores with urgency. I press on, "Then who did? You were the only one who found out, Leona. Why did you meddle in my affairs? Why?" She pleads, "Bryan, I didn't do it. Please, just listen." I want to believe her, but it seems like a facade. "Enough, Leona. Stop pretending to be innocent. I get it, you despise me. I get it, I broke your trust. I've tried explaining myself, but you wouldn't listen. But this? This is too much, Leona. How could you?

Since you arrived, everything has taken a downward spiral. Everyone was content before you came. Nana Yaa had her friends, my secret was secure, and Angela would still be alive. You've shattered everything. Go back to wherever you came from. Go and never come back."

I leave her there, her cries fading as I walk away. Yet, I remain indifferent. She's demonstrated herself to be dishonest and harboring a vengeful nature.


Leona's POV

"I didn't tell on him, guys. I was going to, but the chance slipped away, so I just let it go. He won't listen, but I'm not guilty. It's frustrating because I keep getting blamed for things I didn't do, and it's really hurting me. He said he never wants to talk to me again, and the things he said were so hurtful," I admit, my voice trembling as I fight back tears.

Cassie's kind gesture offers me a tissue as my emotions threaten to overflow. "Hey, don't cry, babe. We believe you, and we're going to figure this out. No need to cry," she reassures me. Rita adds, "Yeah, don't waste your tears. When Bryan realizes you're innocent, he'll come back around, and you'll show him the other side of you." Her attempt at humor manages to coax a faint smile from me.

"Thank you, guys, for always being here for me. I truly appreciate it," I manage to smile through my watery eyes. We share a tight group hug before the morning assembly bells ring, signaling the start of our day. After the assembly, we disperse to our respective classes. Cassie and I share a class, while Rita is in the Arts class.

"Good morning, class," our Chemistry teacher greets with a smile. "Good morning, sir," we respond in unison, attempting to shake off the weight of the situation.

The unexpected announcement of a pop quiz sweeps through the classroom, sparking a chorus of groans and whispers as everyone scrambles to prepare.

We migrate to our joint math class, where Cassie announces, "I'll sit with Rita today." I grin and retort, "Alright, just steer clear of me during physics, okay?" With a playful nod, I claim the front seat.

"Hey there, stranger," Sam's voice breaks into my thoughts, and I glance up to see him flashing a warm smile. "Sam!" I exclaim, springing up for a heartfelt hug. He slides into the seat next to mine, and we fall into easy conversation. "You've been hanging out with your new guy friends; I miss you," I tease, a hint of longing in my voice. His chuckle is like a soothing melody, "I miss you too, Lee. Maybe we can revive our study sessions?" My heart lightens at the prospect, "I'd really love that."

As the class progresses, we share stories and catch up, his presence a comforting balm for my troubled heart.

"How about we have lunch together today? What do you think?" I propose, seeking a small comfort amidst the chaos. "Sounds great, Lee," Sam agrees with a friendly nod. After math class, we regroup with Rita and Cassie, and I spill the Bryan situation to Sam, who readily offers his assistance.

"We're like a group of investigators," Cassie quips with a grin. Rita joins in, "Yeah, let's name ourselves the watchdogs!" I shake my head, amused by their energy, and Sam takes the lead in organizing our approach.

As our brainstorming session unfolds, Sam distributes paper and pens, channeling our determination into strategic planning. With meticulous detail, we map out the timeline, potential suspects, and avenues for investigation.

"Look at the two lovebirds," Cassie muses, directing our attention to Bryan and Becca. An idea forms, and I decide to confront Bryan, closely observing Becca's reactions. Remember your detective skills during Angie's incident?" Cassie teases. I quip, eliciting a fond smile from her. Sam's plan gains momentum, and we adopt the persona of 'watchdogs.'

As I approach Bryan and Becca, I call out, "Bryan! I know who told on you." His brisk pace comes to a halt, and I hurry to catch up, my breath slightly ragged. "Who was it?" he demands, while Becca adds her inquiry. I glance at her, searching for signs of guilt, but her composure surprises me. "Leona, I don't have time for this," Bryan's patience thins.

"I need to talk to Bryan alone," I assert, and he hesitantly agrees. Frustration pushes me further, "Honestly, I won't say anything now. If you're going to keep blaming me, go ahead. The truth will come out, and when you realize I'm innocent, it'll be too late."

Back with my friends, I recount the tense encounter, leaving us without a clear suspect. Sam's reassuring words break through, "Lee, don't give up. We'll uncover the truth, one way or another." Grateful for their unwavering support, I manage a weary smile before heading back to the dorm.


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