Chapter 20- ( Only if this was a nightmare )

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Seven days of shared punishment now make up the span of a week. Every day has merely been a repeat of the one before in this monotonous pattern. Bryan checking up on me often and the calls to Mom are the only sounds around me. Sam and I are, however, gradually drifting apart, and that hurts me deeply. It's impossible to deny Cassie's influence on him, and it hurts me so much to see our relationship deteriorate.

"We seem to have reached the end of the road," I mumble softly, placing the broom within the janitor's closet. It hits the ground with a dull thud, which echoes the emptiness I feel inside.

Unexpectedly, Angie approaches with a request to converse, jolting me from my thoughts. What could she possibly seek from me? Amidst the silence, we find ourselves on a bench, side by side.

"What is it, Angie?" I inquire, curiosity piqued.

A heavy sigh escapes her lips, and then she begins, "I owe you an apology, Leona." Her gaze avoids mine, leaving me uncertain if her contrition is genuine or a cruel jest.

Words desert me, leaving me grappling with her unforeseen confession. As tears gather in her eyes, she turns to face me, exposing a vulnerability I hadn't anticipated.

"It has always been just Cassie and I," she says, her voice tinged with sadness. "Inseparable and supportive as a pair.  When Sam arrived, I could immediately sense a rift, but it being Sam, I ignored. Then you entered her life, the gap between us grew wider. You were prettier and smarter, and I felt unimportant in comparison. Jealousy grew and ruined our connection.

I don't say anything while I try to comprehend her transparency.  Her tears are making sparkling trails down her cheeks as she begs me to comprehend through her intense look.

"It's because of my envy and bitterness that I let everything spill," she confesses, her vulnerability breaking my heart. "I'm deeply sorry, Leona. Genuinely sorry."

Unable to restrain my emotions, I draw her into an embrace. I comprehend her feelings, the sense of inadequacy and insecurity. Her openness surprises me, and in an odd twist, it brings me solace.

"You're a good person, Angie," I assure her, taking her hand in mine. "I genuinely care for you, even though our time together has been brief. Cassie, Sam, and I, we all care. I'm sorry you felt excluded."

"I didn't intend for things to escalate," She continues pouring her heart out. "I didn't mean to cross boundaries. What transpired was...," but her confession halts as Ms. Dorathy interrupts us.

"Your punishment is complete," she remarks, jarring us from our conversation. "You may now proceed to your classes."

We respond and comply, heading to our respective classes.

"I'll fill you in on everything tomorrow," Angie promises before we part ways, her voice laden with earnestness. "We have a lot of assignments to catch up on, you know?"

"I understand," I respond, a mixture of understanding and anticipation in my voice.

"I promise to make things right, Leona," Angie asserts with genuine sincerity. "We'll mend our bond – you, me, Cassie, and Sam."

As we walk, a radiant happiness permeates my being. Perhaps this marks the commencement of rectifying what has gone astray. After parting, we head to our separate classes.

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