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He locked the main door quietly as he was late for his curfew . He knew if his grandmother knew he came late that too when there was thunderstorm then he has listened to a lecture.

He made his way to the kitchen as he was craving for biryani. He was rummaging for leftover biryani in the refrigerator. A hand sneak from back on his mouth and another arm wounded around his neck. He rebelled against them but with no use. So he did what he should have done before he bites the hand that was coming between him and his biryani.

"Fuck! What kind of love is this towards your younger brother?"

Sufiyaan asked as his hands stole the leftover biryani in glass Tupperware.

"Language young man," he said not before he swats the hands. "And why are you awake till now ?"

"Ah .. I was actually waiting for you and your mysterious girlfriend to sneak into your room so that I can catch you guys and escort some money from Nani'' sufiyaan said as he grabbed two plates and kept them on the kitchen counter. " Anyways where were you ?" he asked.

He took his leftover biryani in Tupperware and kept it in microwave to reheat . " caught up with personal emergency." Unknowingly stress ball from his pockets fell down and sufiyaan took it.

"who's stress ball is this ?" He turned his head. 'oh no'. " A girl ." He turned his head towards the microwave and took the tubware . walking towards the counter and placed it. He turned to sufiyaan who raised an eyebrow and that teasing smirk on his face telling him that he is not going to leave him easily . he growled at his expression.

"A girl or your mysterious girlfriend?"

" shut up! she is not my girlfriend, I don't even who is she. There was an accident on the way. A car from opposite lane crashed in flagpole and the girl in that car was injured and when a went tow......." Then he had explained everything to sufiyaan . "and had to save her ." Sufiyaan nodded his head . After few seconds he had looked up and raised his eyebrow ." what to mean 'had to save her .' how did save her?"

"Han ...CPR."

 The spoon in Sufyaan's hands fell down ."YOU KISSED A GIRL ?"

idiot. he shook his head at his dramatic reaction and he knew he would get this reaction from him " I didn't kiss her. I just gave CPR, Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, it is a lifesaving technique useful in many emergencies, including a heart attack or near drowning, in which someone's breathing or heartbeat has stopped.

"sure!" sufiyaan smirked.

"Get lost " He stood up from the from chair and kept plate in sink and walked towards his room not before snatching the ball from sufiyaan.

But It wouldn't happen if sufiyaan didn't get into his brother's nerves. He shouted from the kitchen loud enough to hear him." Nani .. Bhai kissed a girl."  As sufiyaan word's hit his ears he soon ran towards his room before his Nani could wake up not before smacking sufiyaan's head .


Sun was setting behind the clouds leaving space to be occupied by the moon . The weather was soothing and calls for a romantic candlelight dinner date. Her light brown hair was
shinning in the last rays of sun as she was standing in her balcony . The cold wind of November causing her hair to tickle each other. It has been three days since her accident. She should be happy that she got discharge in two days from the shitty hospital because she never liked hospitals because of medicine smells,it always made her feel nauseous. 

But she was disturbed.

'she blinks open her eyes, as she looks around the room there was no one. she could hear the beeping sound of a Machine near her. Her head was hurting. her throat dried up, she needed water.

The door opens, the nurse walks in.

"hey there, you need something, sweetie?"

"water ." her voice dried up as she was coughing.

The nurse goes out and comes back with a glass of water as she handed her water. " thank god your saved, I thought you wouldn't survive but thanks to that stranger who gave CPR at right time, if he wouldn't be there then you might have die..."

As she heard the word 'he' she choked badly while drinking that water. she remembered that black eyes before everything blacked out, she knew it was him who saved her. she wanted to see him.

"Can I see him?" hoping that he was standing outside of that door.

"I am sorry sweetie , he is not here.'

but bad luck to her . he wasn't there. she wanted to thank him for saving her. All she remembers is that deep black eyes that held an unknown emotion for her. which captivated her like no one .'

She descended downstairs . she could hear sounds from kitchen , she knew Zoya wasn't home so it was her chachu. she walked towards the kitchen counter and sat on the kitchen stool
leaning against the counter.

" How are you bacha?"Hammid smiled at her .

"better but still my head hurts by the way where is my car ?." 

hammid kept a cup of Tea on her side of the counter and  joined her on the other side of 

the counter.

" Went for repairing. probably it will take one week for repairing." 

" How is it ?"

"the front side is completely wrecked and paint is off .' she was sipping the hot concoction as she was mourning on her car.

"I need to talk to you about something important.' Hammid said as he hesitates because he knew what will the answer from her but it was needed for her ,it was important for her. to overcome her past . " I need you to visit a therapist ."

Her grip on the cup tightened as she heard him. no, and never. she hated them. " I AM NOT FUCKING CRAZY."

" i know but you need this .they can help you heal , they can cure your nightmares, sehar please that night we spent in hospital scared us . god! zoya lost it seeing you like that. she couldn't stop crying. and me, I was beyond scared. All possible bad thoughts crossed my mind. please do this for us. we need you. we want you to be happy. I can't go back in past change whatever happened with you but I would be happy even if it this helps you ." he stood up taking the coffee cup and putting those in sink ." I have booked an appointment for next Monday with a therapist for you. I would be happy if you consider it, maybe it will reduce my guilt ." he patted her head and left.

Sehar sat there as hammid words hit her . she knew whatever happen to her was bad maybe beyond that. those memories haunt her as nightmares till now. she knew what hammid said was right.         


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