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The Cold wind of November casting its magic on the trees. the leaves and its branches showing their gratitude to the upcoming rain. 

Seher sat inside the library that was on another side of the campus, curled up with her heaps of law books.

Ogling cold wind outside the window has distracted her , as she rose her nose from the books and she looked around, found no one. The university has two libraries one inside the campus and one outside the campus. Usually, students use the library that's inside the campus and this library is mostly found empty, so it's best for her to focus on her studies.

Her phone buzzed.


where the hell are you bitch? I literally searched for you on the whole campus. -Alex

did someone kidnaped you?-Alex

Did you disappear from the face of earthhhhhh?-Alex

she shook her head at her over-dramatic friend.

I said you I am going to the library -Seher

The clouds crashed creating a loud noise, enough to send shivers to her body. thank god no one was in the library to witness her weakness. she un-zip her bag to take her headphones, but could not found them. where are the damn headphones?

Another thunder strike, Angry clouds broke into rain pouring into the city.

Rains and thunderstorms weren't her favorites after that incident, it keeps bringing back her memories that she was trying to move on.

She wanted someone to hold her. Comfort her. Understand that her pain is important. But there was no one. No one to call home, no one to hold her if she wants to fall her.

Footsteps clicked from far. Her breath hitches. You have no right to live. Beads of sweat forming her forehead. You're nothing but my investment. The footsteps grow louder and louder. Awaking her panic attack.

Please don't hurt me.



The rain pouring into the city leaving its gloomy effects in the windows. The white hallways were lonely and silent .His echo of footsteps could hear louder throughout the white hallway. Sheheyar has been walking around in search of an exit for the past 20 minutes but could not find one . He has lost his way.

His footsteps could hear louder and way harsher than before unknowing the fact that these sounds are creating turmoil for someone.

He stopped in front of the library. As he stepped, the smell of old books accompanied by a sweet wild scent hit his nostrils. It was weird that the library smelled like a sweet wild fragrance. But whatever it was, that was calming and familiar.

RuhamaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon