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Sorry for being MIA, hope you all like it.

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She turned other side, cuddling with pillow on the bed. Her eyes slowing opened before closing again. She ducked her face into the pillow, breathing them. The wafty oceanic and wood worked well to sleepy head. She slowly sat up, opening her eyelid as the images of previous events flashed on. Her. Sultan Malik. She clutched the blanket as those images flashed. She felt disgusted.

Last thing she remembered was passing out on the ally.

The curtain were pulled aside, the sky was painted in blush of rosy petals stretches wide and far, the colour of fire yet to appear. She slowly watched the sky changing the colour from blush pink to the colour of fire, painted all dark oranges and yellow leaving small patches of blush on the sky, just to announce the upcoming sun raise. It was mesmerizing. She slowly got down from the bed and walked over to doors, sliding them aside. She stood closing the rails of the balcony. The air of morning was fresh, aromatic to her soul. Free from the toxication of human beings. She breathe. Slowly. It was as if her soul learned to breathe freely. Without being pressured by the past rants.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" she turned around, "salam." The lady greeted her with a polite smile. Her hairs were set straight, her white pale skin was filled with wrinkles, there were eyebags underneath those chestnut eyes.

"Walaikum." Seher eyes shone in confusion. The old lady understood the confusion in the young lady eyes. "I'm shehryar grandmother."

The confusion lines between her eyes cleared. Grandmother smiled at her as she continued. "He brought you here last night, I changed your dress and wiped your body with warm water." She placed her hand on her forehead. "You're fever is gone still I have placed the Khada and some clothes on your side stand make sure you have it." She smiled.

Seher looked at the lady in front, she looked like she was in mid sixty's. She nodded her head, as her eyes searched for someone. The grandmother seems to understand and smiled. "he is downstairs. He was worried for you so much. Go meet him. If you need me I will be in my room at the end of the corridor." The Lady patted her head as she walked away.

She decided to get a shower and change.


She came out of the bathroom, freshly showered and changed into black kameez with gold border and gold palazzos. Wrapped black hijab on her head making sure no hair sticks out. After feeling satisfied with how she looks. Her eyes went over the glass that was kept on the table. She walked over. Picking up she grimes the colour of the Khada. Darkish green colour was similar to fungus on plants. Eww, the smell itself makes me sick. Instead of drink, she flushed the Khada on her toilet. Ya Allah, forgive me.

She padded downstairs, holding the empty glass on her hand as she scanned the house. The Surrounding was minimal yet beautifully decorated. It wasn't as cosy as shehryar's house was is but it was comfortable , calm, mindful.

As she was on the downstairs, her feet halted. The scene in front of was beyond bewitching. She could feel the shivers ran all over her forearm.

Among the upcoming golden hour filled the room with dazzle. He sat on the prayer mat, with holy book resting on his lap. As he was reciting the words of his lord, she feel the goosebums all over her body. It was as if he was lost between those Arabic lines. She always heard Quran brings peace to your heart and soul, but for the first time she has experienced it . it wasn't like she never read Quran. No, she did read. Well not always ... but she did.

But her reading those Arabic verse didn't give her those shivers like his recitation did. It was as if she was mesmerized by his voice. Sure it was calming and sweet but this time it was something else. Never thought it would bring such tranquility to her heart. It was as if it was first time her mind was completely blank.

No memories. No Regrets. No self -condemnation.

It was filled with tranquility, love, repentance towards her lord.

Fabi ayyi aalaaa'i Rabbikumaa tukazzibaan

(Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?)

Tabaarakasmu Rabbika Zil-Jalaali wal-Ikraam

(Blessed be the name of thy Lord, full of Majesty, Bounty and Honour.)


Finally, after closing the holy scripter. He got up, carefully putting aside the prayer mat and Quran. He turned around to finally see her standing there, frozen. "Miss Ali?"

She snapped out of the shocked state. "Huh?"

"You okay?"


He stared at her weirdly, wondering what's wrong with her. Did she hit her head hard? He slowly walked to her and stood in front of her, holding five fingers in front of her. "How much is it?"

"What?" she frowned at his question.

"Do you know who I am?"

"Excuse me?"

"Sorry! Do you know who are you?"

"Are you out of your mind?"

"Just answer me. Do you know your name?"

Her lips set in line as he contiouned asking her questions. "Did you hit..."

"No, I haven't lost my memory Shehreyar."

"Oh! Thank god." He lips curved upwards. "I thought here I have hypnotizes you and dig your memory back from hippocampus."

"hippopotamus?" She scrunched her nose. He burst to laugh.

"It's not hippopotamus it's hippocampus. That's part of your brain where your memory stores."

"Yeah.. whatever." She rolled her eyes in the air.

"Anyways how are you ?"

"feeling much better. How did I got here?"

" I found un-consious on the ally. Oh my god seher what happened there? Your clothes were torn?" His tone changed.

Flashes from yesterday's event flashed before her eyes, it took everything to break down. His fiflty hands on her body still left a pact on her. It was as if she was back in the ally, his hand on sliding on her body, making her choke in the air. Suddenly she couldn't breath, it was suffocating. Too suffocating for her to even swim through. The pain was wrecthing over her body, breaking every part of her. Darkness clouded over her eyes slowly. "Seher?"

His voice cut through the darkness like a sliver line showing her the path of light. "I can't breath." She whispered.

Her body was close to collapse on the ground. She felt a hand on her shoulder trying to hold, but at this moment the least she wanted was to be touched by anyone. She tried to wiggle out his arms as he tried to hold her tighter. 


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