"That's it. I still never got you back for kneeing me in the dick,"

Taehyung laughed nervously, crawling backwards, until his back hit the headboard. "I s-said I w-was sorry,"

Yoongi threw the younger over his shoulder, slapping his ass.

"Hey! P-put me down!!" Taehyung yelled, hitting his lower back.




"Pretty please?

Yoongi hesitated, but shook his head. No, Taehyung could not just pout and get whatever he wanted.

"Yoonie," Taehyung sniffled, "Please? My h-head hurts,"

Yoongi panicked, moving the younger so he was held bridal style. He sat on the bed cradling Taehyung with one arm, the other hand moving hair from his face, "Are you alright?"

Taehyung giggled, "You are whipped,"

"Fuck me. You're a brat,"


"But you're mine," Yoongi nodded, kissing his forehead.

Taehyung hummed, relaxing back in Yoongi's arms, "So are we really getting married?"

"Well....we don't have to, if you don't want to. I just...I don't know," Yoongi mumbled.

"I'm just curious, do you want to?"

The blonde bit his lip, looking away, "Yeah, but if you don't want to, that's fine. Whatever you want baby,"

"Oh no, I definitely do," He smiled, "Just not yet,"

Yoongi snorted, "No duh, I wasn't gonna propose right this second,"

"Why not?"

"Because the ring isn't here y- um. Because it's too early?"


"Yes my love?"

"You didn't buy me a ring did you?"


"What a shame," Taehyung shook his head, clicking his tongue in disappointment.


"Nothing," he smiled coyly.

Yoongi squinted at him, but said nothing about it. "Nap time?"

"Nap time," Taehyung agreed.


"You told him didn't you," Namjoon sighed.

"I didn't mean to!" Yoongi pouted. "He's just really smart,"

"No, well yes," He corrected himself when Yoongi glared at him, "But you're just a giant ball of stupid fluff near him and your brain turns to mush and you can't think, so you told him,"

"Shut the fuck up,"

"Am I wrong?"

Yoongi scoffed, "I never said you were wrong, I just told you to shut the fuck up,"

"So what now?"

Yoongi pursed his lips, downing the rest of his coffee, "I don't know. Keep the ring for a while? It was probably way too soon anyways,"

"You're stupid,"

"I know,"

"Why don't you propose and then just be engaged for a while?"

Tissues-Taegi [Complete]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon