I wondered: Is that really what I look like when I'm muttering? No matter.

broccoli boi: Yeah, so I'll see you soon! I'm hyped for it :)

defying gravity: Ok, see you soon!

I turned my phone off and put it into my pocket. I walked out of my room to see my mom pacing in the corridor.

Izuku: Don't worry mom, I got in.

Inko: E-EH?!? REALLY? 

She smothered me with a tight hug, which I accepted. 

Inko: I'm so proud of you! I'll make katsudon as a celebration! 

I mirthfully laughed and thought of the future ahead of me.


Izuku: 1A, 1A, 1A, 1A... God, why does this place have to be so big?

I was currently looking for my class and was a bit... lost, to say the least.

???: Hey! You seem a bit lost... You must be one of the new first years, right?

I looked at the source of the voice and saw someone who looked like the mascot from Fallout 4. 

Izuku: Uh, yeah. Can you point me towards the right direction or something? I couldn't find the map online.

He just laughed and pointed down a hallway.

???: Third door on the left. I'm Mirio Togata by the way. Wait a minute, you're the one applicant who destroyed all the robots! Izumi Midariyo, right?

Izuku: It's Izuku Midoriya. You must have been watching from some sort of monitor judging by the cameras. 

Mirio: Sorry, I'm not good with names. Well, it's nice to meet you. Have fun at orientation!

Izuku: Thanks.

Following Mirio's directions, I made my way towards my classroom.


Iida: I demand you put your feet off that desk this instant! It is highly disrespectful!

Kaachan: Yeah, so what? And also get that stick out your ass you extra! It's fucking annoying.

I watched from the door as the two bickered: One screaming profanities as the other seemed to be mortified. You can probably guess who. Iida then noticed me at the doorway and came to say hello.

Iida: It's you! The green haired applicant who scored full marks on the written exam. My name is Iida Tenya, from Somei Academy. Let's start on a new page. If we're going to be future classmates it would be best to be on good terms with one another.

Izuku: Agreed. My name is Izuku Midoriya. Nice to meet you.

???: Hey Izuku!

I turned to see Uraraka-san standing there.

Ochako: It seems that we really are in the same class, huh?

Izuku: Yeah, nice to see a familiar face in there parts. I got lost and had to have an upperclassman show me the way here.

Suddenly I felt a presence inch towards our classroom. My eyes erupted in flame as I teleported to where the person was, pinned them to the ground as to prevent them from moving, summoned a blaster and aimed it at them.


Uraraka-san and Iida stared at the scene unfolding before them, gaping at the display of quick thinking and skill. The thing that I was pinning to the ground was a yellow sleeping bag.

Six feet under. (EDITING DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now