What Type of Coincidence is This!?

Start from the beginning

The other one, he noticed that her eyes held fear as well but she quickly hid it with a glare. She hid the one crying behind her.

Ronald snickered in amusement and reached out to grab them. But the child who was glaring wouldn't allow it to go so easily. The moment he was just inches away, she reached out with her own hand and dug her nails in his arm and pulled, making a long bloody trail in his arm.

Ronald moved away while grabbing hold of his arm, creating a small space for the kids to run. And Zay felt that that was what she was aiming for, since the moment Ronald moved she tilted to the opposite side and lifted the other one to go through.

Zay watched the whole thing and was amazed that she thought of this. He didn't even moved to help or to intervene, that is until the other one called to him.

"Zay! Grab those fucking bitches!"

He can see the rage in the other man's eyes but knew he couldn't ignore this any longer. Zay sighs and quickly grabbed both girls. But he first went for the blond one who seemed to be the most trouble and then grabbed the other one who was frightened stiff.

"Give those fucking brats here!!"

Ronald eyes held discontent and anger. But then it turned to glee when he noticed they couldn't run away.

Zay spoke in a warning tone when he saw the mans reaction.

Ronald glared at him when he heard his tone.

"You're not allowed to hurt them. Remember that."

"Tsk! Don't worry, I won't be too rough. Hand one of them over at least. You can't hold them both."

Zay knew that if he gave any of the girls to him, he would treat them roughly. He didn't move for a moment which got Ronald to narrow his eyes at him, but then his gaze relaxed when Zay gave Sakura to him.

'I rather not hand him any of them, but seeing as he was going to start something may as well give him the one who seems the toughest. If I gave him the crying one, he would have beaten her to submission and use the excuse that she tried to cry for help.'

When he saw the blond child bare her teeth rather that cry, he knew she was a strong one. Especially when she still talked back toward Ronald when she saw that he wouldn't hesitate to harm them.
"... you are smart. Too bad it won't help you now."

Zay got up from the kneeling position he was in while helping them. He tied them again but hadn't tied them as tightly as Ronald did when he threw them in the wagon.

While checking that it was tied well, but not too tightly. He started to head out to ask where the healers are. But stopped when he heard Sakura's next words.

"Is the bargaining chip one of your family or friends? No, it must be family seeing how strong the leash they have on you. But who? Wife, child? Ah.... is it the son you haven't seen for a while now?"

For the first time, Sakura saw the mans glare. His chestnut colored eyes held a  shadowy black that almost made it seem like opal brown. Sakura quickly noticed that the his shadow seem to move and the room seem to have darken as well.

Adaline whimpered and Sakura looked surprised but not scared like Adaline was.

'Oh? From what I can see, his main magic is dark magic and maybe even earth magic.... haha! What a coincidence.'

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