Ron and Sofia were the next to wake up, followed by Ginny and the twins, with Brianne awakening just a few minutes after them.

The group of friends conversed outside of the tent as Hermione woke up from hearing the voices. A groan left her lips as she heard Ginny and Cedric talking outside of the tent, her ears perking up at the sound. She slowly fluttered her eyes open, the somewhat bright sunlight from the exit of the tent hitting her eyes as they squinted slightly.

Hermione slowly sat up as she rubbed her eyes, something of a groan and a moan leaving her lips. Her hands fell from her eyes as they went back down to her lap as she looked around the tent, everyone- well, mostly everyone, already awake.

A small smile formed on her lips at the sight of a certain Ravenclaw girl still asleep on her side in her sleeping bag. Hermione couldn't help but stare from afar, slightly admiring how peaceful she looked.

The bushy-haired girl slowly stood up from her spot, being careful not to make any noise as she cautiously made her way over to Y/N's sleeping form. Hermione's smile only widened as she got closer to the girl before she stood in front of her. She crouched down into a sitting position next to Y/N as her eyes scanned the relaxed features of her face.

Y/N's hair was tousled, a small giggle leaving Hermione's mouth at the disheveled state of the girl. Hermione's eyes continued to scan Y/N's face. She noticed how Y/N's eyebrows were relaxed as she dreamt, and how soft intakes of breath went in and out of her nose. Her eyes trailed down to her lips, her soft, plump lips. Hermione watched how small, almost inaudible snores fell from the girl's pink lips and into the atmosphere around them.

Hermione didn't want to admit it, but her heart fluttered at the sight. She had thought of Y/N all summer, in fact, there wasn't a day where the Ravenclaw didn't cross her mind. The bushy-haired girl was confused with her feelings towards the girl, not knowing if what she felt was merely platonic or not. She's had friendships with girls in the past, but something felt different with Y/N, almost as if she was more free, more expressive of herself. Y/N brought out the best in her.

Hermione's eyes continued to stay stuck on her lips as her hand subconsciously rose towards Y/N's face. She was too stuck in her trance to realize her body was moving on its own. Her hand stopped centimeters from Y/N as Hermione finally zoned back into reality, realizing what she was doing. She glanced at her hand for a moment before looking back to Y/N as she hesitantly moved her hand closer to Y/N. Hermione knew she probably shouldn't have disturbed the girl, but it was almost as if she was nothing but a magnet.

Hermione's hand placed itself onto Y/N's head as her finger slowly started to thread themselves through her hair, a small smile rising to her lips as she felt the silky smooth texture on her fingers. She continued to slowly run her fingers through her hair as she watched Y/N slightly shifting in her sleep, a small groan leaving her mouth, Hermione's heart dropping at the sound as her cheeks flushed, afraid she was caught staring.

Y/N shuffled again once more as her eyes slowly fluttered open, her eyes immediately connecting with a flustered Hermione. A small smirk took over Y/N's face as she watched Hermione's eyes flicker away from hers, pretending like she wasn't watching her sleep as a dark red blush painted itself on the Gryffindor's cheeks.

"Can't even keep your hands off of me while I sleep, Granger?"

Hermione's eyes reconnected with Y/N's as she sent her a glare, her blush still prominent as Y/N let out a chuckle, her voice coming out hoarse and raspy, Hermione's heart fluttering at the sound.

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