Zeb rolled his eyes and flattened his ears. "Fine, but you better bring the kid and yourselves back harm free."

Chopper beeped, looking up at Hera.

Hera looked at him angrily. "You couldn't have told us this before? We need to hurry now, Chopper says Ezra hit his head hard and is most likely concussed."

Kanan took off running with Sabine behind him.

"Hey!" Hera grumbled and followed after him.

They stood by the ship, Kanan trying to track him. "I can feel him." He took off running with the two women behind him. He looked around, then hid and pushed Hera and Sabine behind ice as the creature ran past them.

Ezra winced and held his head, he looked to his right and almost cried. "Kanan.."

Kanan and the others looked over, running to him and hugging him. "You're okay." he kissed his forehead. "How are you feeling? We need to get you back to the Ghost and checked out." He picked Ezra up bridal style.

Sabine looked around the ice. "We're in the clear right now..lets take advantage of the situation and go." She lead them back to the crash site.

Hera held onto Sabine as she used her jetpack to escape the hole while Kanan force jumped out while holding Ezra close to him.

The lasat smiled. "Kid, you're okay."

Ezra stood up slowly, holding onto Kanan and rested his head on his lovers shoulder. He gave a soft smile to Zeb and nods. "Thank you guys.." He walked back to the medbay with Kanans help.

Kanan sat him down, grabbing a mediscanner and placed it over Ezra, he chuckled. "How are you feeing?" He placed the scanner back and sighed. Checking over his scans.

Ezra shrugged. "Cold and a headache, that's about it.."

Kanan nods. "Concussion, not too major but pretty bad. We have to ensure you remained rested, but you do have some cuts I can take care of." He looked down at his lover. "Can you please sit up?" He smiled and walked to the first aid kit. "Just a band-aid or two, no need for bacta patches. They did say you had a small gash on your head so I want to wrap your head." He sat on the edge of the bed and placed the medical supplies to the side and smiled at his lover.

Ezra sat up carefully and laid back against the medbay bed. "Thanks Kanan." He looked at his lover.

Kanan smiled and grabbed the bandaids and then looked at Ezras clothes. "Hold on, we're gonna put you in a medical shirt first." He pulled the curtains over and grabbed his comm. "Hey, if anyone comes to visit Ezra please warn us first."

"You got it specter 1." Sabine chuckled and looked at Zeb. "Sex?" The lasat just shrugged.

"NO!" Kanan sighed and put his comm to the side. "I don't think she knew her comm was on."

Sabine laughed along with Zeb.

Ezra chuckled and winced, holding his head.

"Take it easy honey." He grabbed a medical shirt. "Stand up please." He smiled and helped his lover stand up, then kissed his forehead softly. "Are you okay if I change you?"

Ezra smiled and nods. "Of course love.." He whispered and watched Kanan take his shirt off carefully and then watched as Kanan unwrapped his binder and took it off, Ezra let out a soft and deep relief breath. "That is so much better.."

Kanan chuckled and placed the medica shirt over him, then tied it gently in the back and sat Ezra down carefully, he took Ezras boots off and then took his socks and pants off. "There we go." He placed the medbay socks onto his feet and smiled, kissing his left knee and winced when he noticed the nasty bruise on his lovers upper right thigh.

Ezra looked down at frowned. "Probably from the impact of the crash." He chuckled and looked at his lover.

Kanan sighed and nods. "Lets get you set up and cleaned honey." He smiled and grabbed the antibiotic cream and grabbed a cotton ball, gently wiping the wounds.

Ezra winced, staying as still as he possibly could. "I'm sorry."

"You have nothing to be sorry about love, you did nothing wrong." He placed the band-aids over the wounds and smiled softly. "Now lets put all focus on that head of yours." He grabbed a new cotton ball and soaked it in hydrogen peroxide. "This is gonna sting. grab my thigh or leg If you need too." He looked down. "Ready?"

Ezra nods and sighed, wrapping his arms around his lovers waist which resulted in a chuckle.

Kanan started dabbing the peroxide onto the head gash.

Ezra groaned. "Karabast."

"It's okay, I'm here.." He took the cream and wiped a new cotton ball in it and then cleaned the wound before wrapping it. He kissed his lovers forehead and threw out all the garbage. "You did great, now how about you get some rest?"

Ezra looked up at him and sighed. "Do I have to sleep in here?"

"Just for tonight love, we need to ensure that we're ready in case anything happens okay? It's also a better way we can keep an eye on you." He laid Ezra down carefully and tucked him in, kissing his forehead. "I love you, comm me if you need anything." He smiled and went to leave the room, hearing the simple yet powerful phrase.

"I can't wait to marry you one day.." Ezra whispered before falling asleep.

Kanan felt his heart pound in happiness and smiled. "Me either.." He whispered and walked to his cabin to rest for the night, keeping his comm right next to him in case Ezra needed him at all.

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