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hjbender MisterJarrus

Season 3

Kanan: 21
Ezra: 17

No ones POV

Ezra looked back up at Sabine. "How do you feel?"

She took a deep breath and gripped the saber. "Like I need a few takes of whiskey.." she laughs.

Kanan chuckled and stood up. "I think maybe we should take tomorrow off since it's our second to last day."

Ezra smiled. "We could go camping for real! No training, just games, cooking, watching the stars, it'll be fun!"

Sabine nods. "I think that's a wonderful idea. What shall we do first?"

"Well, we haven't eaten yet." Kanan smiled. "Would you like to cook something Ezra?"

Ezra smiled and nods. "Of course!"

Sabine chuckled and watched him leave with Kanan to the fire and start prepping dinner, she walked over to Saxon. "I'm guessing you don't want to stay?" She chuckled, watching him pack up his items.

He smiled. "No, i must return to base and finish work, enjoy though alright? You deserve it." He sped off on his bike.

Sabine smiled and turned around and watched Ezra and Kanan cook together. "Hey!!! I want a mini!!!" She yelled at them.

Kanan looked at her. "Not ready yet." He chuckled and watched Ezra cook, kissing his forehead. "This smells amazing, what is it?"

"Well, since it is supposed to be chilly tonight. I thought a nice gi dumpling soup with a blue milk base would be perfect with this weather." Ezra smiled. "It's also a dish served on mandalore."

Sabine walked over. "I love this soup, thank you Ezra." She grabbed a bowl and ate. "Woah..this is so good! This is so much better then the ones served on mandalore!" She gulped down the rest of the soup and got seconds.

Kanan smiled. "It's very good, thank you love." He kissed ezras hand.

Ezra blushed. "Thanks guys.." he ate his bowl and began to clean up with the others. "Do you guys wanna share a tent and tell stories?"

Sabine thinks. "Why not?" She smiled. "Sounds fun, let me go grab my stuff and put it into your guys tent since it's bigger."

Ezra and Kanan nod, getting changed into pajamas behind a rock and smiled at each other.

Kanan grabbed Ezra and pulled him close. "I love you.."

Ezra chuckled and smiled back. "I love you too.."

Sabine called out to them. "Come on love birds!!"

They blushed and walked over to the tent, getting in and laying on the ground.

Sabine chuckled and grabbed a book. "I have got some good books I can read. Or better yet, kanan. You have a really soothing voice. Do you mind?"

Kanan chuckled. "Thank you, I'll try my best since it's hard to read with the force."

Ezra smiled and laid his head on kanans chest. "She is right though Kanny, you have a really soothing voice."

Kanan chuckled and began to read to them the story of The Book Thief. He smiled and finished chapter 6 when he noticed both padawan and mandalorian were asleep. He set the book aside and held Ezra close, joining them in slumber.

—time skip—

Sabine woke up and stretched, she looked to her left and smiled at the couple who were asleep. She got up carefully and walked to the fire pit, she chuckled and began to cook them breakfast.

Kanan woke up slowly, smelling the food. He then smiled as he saw Ezra asleep and kissed his forehead softly. "Good morning honey."

Ezra grumbled. "Idiot let me sleep..five more minutes."

"You always say that." He pulled the blanket off of them and chuckled at ezras childish behavior. "Come on, Sabine made breakfast."

Ezra got up. "Really?" He smiled and went to the fire pit. "Sabine, this smells so good." He sat next to her.

Kanan chuckled and closed the zipper, then turned on the caff machine and started to brew some fresh caff. He sat next to Ezra and wrapped his arm around his torso. "Good morning Sabine."

"Morning Kanan." She chuckled and hands them both a plate.

"Thank you." Kanan began to eat.

Ezra smiled. "Thanks Sabine!" He ate and looked up at Kanan.

Kanan chuckled and wiped sauce off Ezras face. "You're quite messy when you eat while tired."

Ezra shrugged. "Ah well."

He rolled his eyes playfully and cleaned his dishes, grabbing a cup of caff for himself and the two and hands them a cup each after they cleaned up. "Here we are."

"Thank you." Sabine smiled and took a sip.

Ezra yawned and nods. "Thanks love.." he took a sip and sat down. "Can we just do this all day? Nothing?"

Kanan nods. "Doing nothing sounds great."

Sabine chuckled. "Yeah, sounds amazing."

"So that'll be the plan for today, nothing." Ezra sat on kanans lap and chuckled.

Kanan pulled him close. "You are absolutely right my beautiful.." he kissed the back of his head.

Sabine smiled and watched the couple. "You guys are adorable.."

They looked at each other and smiled. "Thank you.." they said softly.

Sabine chuckled. "You guys can go take a nap or lay down if you want."

Ezra nods. "Please Kanan..? We don't cuddle like we used would be really nice."

"And it would give me some quiet time." Sabine teased.

Kanan thought and nods. "Why not?" He cleaned the rest of the dishes and brought Ezra to their tent and they both waved at Sabine before Ezra zipped the tent up, laying under the covers and chuckled as Kanan pulled him close. "I love you more than life itself Ezra Bridger."

"I love you too my toasted avocado." Ezra chuckled and gave him a quick peck and buried his head into kanans chest.

Kanan pulled him close and smiled, slowly both of them fell asleep in each other's arms.

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