De-Aged 2

268 5 1


Season 3

Kanan: age 20
Ezra: age 17 and 2

No ones POV

Ezra grumbled, looking up as Kanan placed a soft kiss in his forehead. "No fever, how are you feeling Ezra?"

"My stomach and head are killing me.." he whispered to not bother his head.

Kanan frowned and laid the blanket over him, tucking him in. "Okay, get some rest and I'll be back in a little bit for lunch okay?"

Ezra nods a little before falling asleep.

"There we go..I love you.." Kanan got up carefully and went to the common room, sitting on the couch. He watched Zeb and Sabine play holo chess and chuckled.

Hera looked over from her chair. "How's Ezra feeling? Any fever?"

"No fever..but he's pretty pale, his voice is very quiet, he said his head and his stomach were killing him. He's sleeping right now.." he sighed, laying back.

Hera nods. "Could be allergies again, you know how bad he gets them."

"Yeah..I know." He placed his mask aside and laid against the couch, sighing softly before hearing a loud thud come from their room and crying.

"What was that?" Sabine got up along with the others.

"I don't know.." Kanan ran into their cabin, paling. "Oh my god.." he kneeled down by the blue haired child. "Oh no..Hera?" He looked up at her.

"Ezra..look how tiny...he de-aged somehow..?" She frowned

Kanan held the crying child close. "'s okay buddy." He checked for any marks and sighed in relief when there were none. "We gotta figure out an antidote.."

"Hera and I will get one started, while you take care of him." Sabine smiled and went to the medbay with Hera.

Kanan sighed and looked at Ezra. "Hi honey..I knew something wasn't right.."

Ezra sniffled and looked up. "Daddy..."

"Oh boy..umm..let's go get you something to eat..are you hungry?" Kanan smiled.

Ezra nods and held onto Kanan closer. "Daddy.."

"Okay buddy.." he goes to the kitchen and set him down on a chair that had a pillow on it. "What do you want for lunch?" He smiled.

"Cheesy!" He giggled.

Kanan smiled. "Macaroni and cheese it is." He kissed his forehead and got to cooking, boiling the water and adding in the pasta, stirring it before
Draining and adding the milk, butter and cheese. He then put some into a bowl and placed it in front of Ezra. "There we go.." he went to wash dishes and sighed.

Ezra smiled and ate, getting cheese sauce all over him. He giggled, playing with the pasta. "Daddy!"

Kanan smiled and dried and put
The dishes away, going to Ezra. "What is it buddy?" He sighed. "You're a mess." He picked him up and cleaned out Ezras bowl using the force, then went to the refresher and set Ezra down. "Let's get you washed up." He wet a washcloth and sat Ezra on the sink, washing his face. "There we go.." he smiled.

Ezra giggled and looked up at him.

"Your eyes are so beautiful.." he smiled softly.

"Daddy!!" He grabbed his nose.

Kanan sneezed and laughed. "Hi buddy.."

Ezra jumped a little and got teary, then started to cry from being startled.

Kanan frowned. "No no...Shh...Shh.." he looked over and grabbed his mask, placing it in ezras hands. "Here we go.."

Ezra hiccuped and looked at the mask, smiling a little and placing it on his head. "Ahhh!!" He giggled

Kanan chuckled and went outside with him, laying down with him. "Peaceful huh honey?"

Ezra nods and giggled, nuzzling close

"Please find an antidote.." Kanan closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Hera and Sabine walked outside and smiled at Ezra who was playing with a butterfly. "Hey Ezra, can you drink this for me please?"

Ezra looked over and wobbled to them, giggling. "Ah?" He grabbed it, and smiled at the pretty color purple drink before he started to drink it with Heras help. His stomach rumbled and he frowned, going to Kanan and crying. "Daddy!"

Kanan woke up slowly. "What is it honey..?"

"Daddy!!!!" He sobbed and passed out against him.

"Ezra?!" He got up.

"It's okay Kanan, it's just the antidote.." Hera said softly.

Kanan nods a little and picked him up, bringing him to Their cabin and laid him on the bed, laying a blanket over him and kissing his forehead. He sighed and left to the common room and plopped on the couch.

Hera chuckled. "Have fun?"

"He's an adorable child...that's for sure.." he chuckled, yawning.

"Why don't you get some rest?" Sabine smiled.

Ezra walked in with his grey pajamas on and yawned. "Guys..?"

Kanan looked up and smiled, hugging Ezra tightly and kissing all over his face. "You're back to normal!!!"

Ezra laughs and nods. "Yeah.." he looked up at Kanan. "Thank you..for taking care of me.."

Kanan nods and kissed his nose. "I missed you..."

"Missed you too.." Ezra wrapped his arm around kanans shoulder and went to the cabin. "Now lay down." He laid Kanan down, laying next to him.

Kanan chuckled and pulled the blanket over them, holding Ezra close. "I missed this.."

"Me too.." Ezra smiled before they fell asleep in each other's arms.

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