Father-Daughter Day

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hjbender meauxreen

Kanan: age 26
Ezra:age 22
Rose:age 9 months

No ones POV

Ezra set out a list for his grocery shopping and looked over at Kanan. "Kanan, I need you to make sure that Rose gets one of my bottles in the fridge okay? And if you bring her anywhere just bring extra bottles. I didn't pump for no reason." Ezra wrote down the last item.

Kanan smiled and held Rose. "I got it honey." He rubbed her back and bounced her a little, chuckling at her giggles. "She is so precious.."

Ezra kissed his cheek. "I'll be back in a couple hours." He smiled at Rose and kissed her cheek. "Mama will be back, he just needs some mommy time." He chuckled. "I love you both, be good!" He yelled as he closed the door on his way out.

Kanan looked down at Rose. "What to do, hmm. How about we play with your bouncy chair? You love that thing." He laid her down onto the chair and strapped her in. "Look at you, so much like your mama, those beautiful freckles, that beautiful skin, and you have daddy's eyes." He chuckled as he watched her bounce like crazy.

"Why don't we get you something to eat?" Kanan looked up at the time. "It's already 2." He smiled and watched her, picking her up with the chair and kissed her cheek. "Baba."

"BABA!!" Rose squealed. "Baba! Baba! Baba!!"

Kanan laughs and went to kitchen and opened the fridge, looking at the compartment and pulled the drawer out, full of bottles for Rose. "Thank you Ezra." He smiled and picked up the bottle that was labeled 'use first'. He then placed it into the microwave and warmed it up for 30 seconds as per instructed on the sheet of paper he was given. He smiled and looked at Rose.

Rose kissed his cheek, leaving slobber. She laughed. "Aba!!!"

"Aww..thanks baby.." he wiped off the slobber and grabbed her bottle, then shook it and smiled. He looked at her and placed the bottle into her mouth, sitting on the couch and smiling as she grabbed it. "Good girl. You're such a cutie pie.." he chuckled and watched her drink.

Rose grabbed the bottle with her hands and smiled up at Kanan while drinking.

Kanan chuckled and looked over at his tablet as Ezra messaged him. 'How is rose honey?' He smiled at the text and answered back using the microphone so he wouldn't drop Rose. "She is eating now, how's shopping time doing love?"

'It's going great, peace and quiet was just what I needed. I miss you both though still, and I'll be home in about ten minutes okay? Love you.'

Kanan smiled and put the empty bottle on the side, and laid her on his shoulder, patting her back. "Aww, burp baby girl."

Rose burped and giggled, nuzzling against Kanan and yawning.

"Oh honey.." he grabbed her pacifier and placed it into her mouth. "There we go.." he smiled, then watched her. "I remember how tiny you were..when you were still in your mamas belly before you were born.." Kanan smiled, rubbing her cheek. "When you would kick and move..oh honey..when you were even born.." he got teary. "Oh honey.." he smiled and kissed her forehead, getting teary. "I miss you being so small.."

Ezra walked into the house, holding up the bags with the force and set them on the counter. He smiled and looked at Kanan. "How is she?" He walked to them and kissed their heads softly. "Why don't we get her to the crib and put away our groceries?" Ezra picked her up carefully from Kanans arms and walked upstairs with him following behind.

Kanan smiled softly and watched his wife place the baby into the crib. "She's so precious.."

Ezra chuckled and nods, watching her sleep.

Kanan walked up behind him and wrapped his arms around Ezra's stomach. "I remember when she was in here..how little she was.." he chuckled.

Ezra smiled and looked up at Kanan. "I'm glad she's out, such a rough little kicker." He laughs.

Kanan kissed his cheek. "I love you."

"I love you too, now let's go down to the kitchen and put all the groceries away okay?"

"Sounds like a plan." Kanan walked downstairs with him, smiling as they put the groceries away.

Ezra smiled softly as he put the last thing away. "There we go." He looked at Kanan.

Kanan smirked and pushed him against the wall. "How I missed you.." he kissed him lovingly and let
Go. "How about we take this to our room?" He chuckled

Ezra laughs and smiled happily, going to the bedroom with Kanan.

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