Sick Day

324 5 7

hjbender MisterJarrus

Kanan : 18
Ezra :16

During season 2

Hera walked in. "You guys look awful." She set the tray with two glasses of orange juice and a capsule of Tylenol onto the bedside.

Ezra grunted. "His fault.." he looked at Kanan.

"No way.." Kanan coughed into his fist. "You were the one who wanted to take care of me in the first place...remember?" He blew his nose into a tissue, throwing it away.

Ezra sniffled. "You're welcome for caring about you.."

Hera chuckled and left the room.

Kanan held onto Ezra, pulling him close and becoming protective of his secret lover.

Ezra nuzzled against him, sneezing into his own arm. "I hate being sick.."

"Me too.." Kanan sniffled. "But at least were together and were cuddling and relaxing right?" He smiled. "And we only have a simple cold..nothing bad." He coughed a little.

Ezra looked up at him, handing him a cough drop. "Here, I want to actually sleep tonight..and your coughing won't let me.."

Kanan stuck out his tongue playfully. "Thanks.." he sniffled and popped it into his mouth, sighing in relief as he felt the medicine start to cool his throat a little.

"Better?" Ezra sneezed into his arm.

"Very.." Kanan said softly. "Thank you.." he said gratefully.

Ezra nods and smiled, kissing his cheek softly and tucking them in more. "You warm enough?"

Kanan nods a little, burying his face into Ezras neck. "Yeah..what about you?"

"Yes Kanan, I'm warm enough. Do you wanna watch a holo movie?" He kissed his forehead. "Or do you want some tea?"

"Some tea would be nice..but you're sick too ezzy..I want you to lay down with me and keep cuddling." He pouted like a child.

Ezra laughs at the childish behavior before going into a little coughing fit. "Ow.." he held his throat.

Kanan hands him a cough drop. "Don't wanna have that cough keeping me awake now." He chuckled

Ezra stuck his tongue out again and smiled, popping it into his mouth and taking a sigh of relief.

"Nice huh..?" Kanan yawned.

Ezra nods a little, nuzzling against him. "Love you.."

"I love you more.." Kanan held him close, falling asleep.

"I love you most.." Ezra fell asleep.

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