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Ezra Bridger: Age 18

Kanan Jarrus: Age 24

Season 3

No ones POV

"Our first goal is to get inside the hangar. Kalani is a war machine, programmed to kill. And he's got the numbers and the fire power to do it. Our only chance is to be aggressive, surprise him. Hopefully put him on the defensive." Rex looked at the two jedi, giving them the battle advice in order to try to win and save the lasat.

"How many droids do you think he has?" Ezra asked, debating to himself if they really have a chance to win or not.

"The last battle begins. Now" Kalani was heard from the speakers, before the loud alarm was heard along with a bunch of clankers being seen.

"A lot. He has a lot of droids." Kanan responded quickly, a little fear being hinted.

"Sword and Shield maneuver." Rex ordered, running into position in order to scatter the droids.

"What is that?" Ezra asked curiously, still new to what was happening and clueless to the plans.

"We block, he fires." Kanan responded quickly, wanting to get this battle done and over with. He and his padawan ran in front of Rex, getting in position. They ignited their sabers and began to block the shots as Rex fired. They became scattered.

Rex took the chance. "Lets go, move forward!" He ordered, running to the Hangar of the base before Ezra was stopped.

"We should get moving." Kanan looked at the two, running to the inside of the Hangar Bay before being stopped by a shield droid.

"Karabast." Kanan cursed to himself as more appeared.

Rex began shooting. "We're trapped."

Ezra looked up at the crane. "I can use the crane and hit the bridge, opening a path for us." Ezra looked at the two.

Kanan was hesitant but knew they needed to get it done to survive and nods. "Be as quick as you can." And be safe." He said more softly.

Ezra nods. "You got it." He took off to the side, peering over the crate to get a view of the crane. He extended his arm out before Chopper grabbed his other hand. "Chopper, what are you doing?" He tried to pull his arm away before being dragged by the droid. "Chopper I don't have time for this." He complained, looking out as the droid beeped at him about a shuttle. "It's a good find Chopper, but we have to finish this." He ran over back to the crane and used the force to push the platform down, creating an opening for the three.

Kanan looked as Ezra followed after. "What took you so long? Are you alright?" Kanan stopped and stood Ezra still, checking for any injuries.

"I'm fine, Chopper stopped me and dragged me over to a shuttle he found. I tried to stop him, but he was persistent and continued pulling me. I'm sorry." Ezra sighed and looked at Rex who was glaring at him. He quickly looked back up at Kanans soft facial expression and sighed. "We should hurry."

Kanan nods and ran with the two over before being blocked by more droids, these droids then began to shoot at the jedi who deflected against the shots.

Ezra began dodging as best as he could, before being hit in the upper chest and one shot that hit his shoulder. He winced and fell back, trying to sit up. "Karabast.." He groaned in pain.

Rex grew frustrated and threw his helmet at the droid which caused the droid to malfunction and destroy the other droid.

Kanan knelt down by Ezra. "You okay?" He sat Ezra up carefully who was holding his chest. "Easy..easy." He whispered.

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