Date night

329 4 0

Season 3

Ezra Age: 17

Kanan Age: 21

No ones POV

The blue haired young man sighed and watched as Zeb bid the others goodnight, leaving only Hera and Sabine on the comm with Ezra and Kanan who were standing in the center of Sumars farm. They had contacted the crew, letting them know that Kallus was Fulcrum.

Sabine looked over at the padawan and whispered to the pilot, smiling.

The twileck smiled. "That's a great idea Sabine." She looked at the jedi couple. "Sabine has an idea for you two."

Kanan rested his hand on Ezras back. "What is it? Is it another mission? What do you need us to do?" He asked, curious as to what the two females had in mind.

Sabine chuckled. "Kanan relax for a few minutes okay? I think you two should take the next day and have a date night. When was the last time you guys had a date?" She looked at the couple.

Ezra bit his lip and looked at Kanan who was looking back at him with just as a confused face as him, both unsure of when their last date was. Ezra looked at Sabine. "With the war going on, we really haven't been focused on our relationship or dates." He crossed his arms.

Kanan nods. "It sucks because we've been trying to get some time to have one." He sighed and grabbed Ezras hand, giving it a gentle and loving squeeze.

Hera nods. "Well, we will be there to pick you guys up tomorrow late, so have a date tonight and relax as best as you can tomorrow okay? You guys deserve it."

Sabine agreed. "For sure, the best thing for you guys to do is lay low anyway. So why not do it while also going on a date?" She chuckled. "Two birds and one stone."

The jedi couple chuckled. "Will do, thank you both." Kanan whispered and nods. "Goodnight you two, get some rest." He hung up and looked at Ezra who looked back up at Kanan tiredly. He planted a soft kiss onto his forehead and wrapped his arm around his shoulders. "Lets get to bed and tomorrow I will have something planned special for you okay?"

Ezra chuckled. "Why not let me spoil you for once?" He waved to Ryder and yawned. "Night Ryder. Night Chopper"

Ryder smiled softly. "Goodnight Ezra, goodnight Kanan."

Chopper warbled and went to his little area and powered down.

Kanan waved and walked into their room, shutting their door and smiled at Ezra, taking his mask off and set it onto the table next to the bed, placing his belt and weapons onto the table as well. He sat on the edge of the bed and took off his boots, setting them under the table and laid in bed, taking his ponytail out, setting it onto the table and looked over in Ezras direction.

Ezra did the same as Kanan and laid down in bed. He chuckled and rubbed his hands down his face. "I could use a drink.." He mumbled.

Kanan looked over. "Do you want some tea?" He grabbed onto his hand and gave a gentle squeeze, caressing his hand with his thumb and smiled.

"I'm okay..I think I'm just gonna take a shower." He yawned and sat up. "I need to feel clean and get into pajamas." He sighed and planted a kiss onto Kanans hand. "Want to join me?"

Kanan chuckled. "How could I ever refuse that offer?" He sat up and followed his lover into the refresher. "However, I want you to drink some tea after okay? I have a great blend that helps with sleep and muscle pain." He said sternly, but kindly.

Ezra chuckled and grabbed his gray pajamas from the cabinet and set it down onto a wooden bench, the only things in the refresher being the shower, the sink, a wooden bench along with a toilet within a stall.

Kanan reached for his short sleeve green shirt and white brown pajama pants, he rested them next to Ezras pajamas and grabbed a red and blue solid color towels.

While Kanan got undressed, Ezra turned on the shower and got it to a temp that would ensure they were both warm enough without burning them. He got undressed, sighing in relief when he took his binder off and placed his clothes into the dirty hamper located next to the sink and got into the shower. He watched as Kanan got in, sliding the door closed and gave a soft kiss to Ezras forehead.

Ezra smiled and grabbed his body wash, scented as 'paradise beach' which was just a fruity smelling soap, he put some into his hand, about two quarters worth and then lathered it all over his chest and arms.

Kanan watched and smirked, raising an eyebrow. "Mmm, smells so good on you love.." He whispered, trailing his finger down Ezras back that was facing him.

"Kanan, stop staring at my ass and help me clean my back please." He chuckled, washing down his legs and turned around, facing him. He gave a soft smile and chuckled. "Because I am still exhausted."

"Of course love, can't help it when you have such a nice ass." He chuckled and grabbed a quarter sized amount of soap and let Ezra turn his back towards him as Ezra shaved his legs. Kanan began to lather the soap into Ezras skin, massaging his back and shoulders, trying to ease his tension.

Ezra relaxed, moaning softly at his lovers touch. "Thank you.." He grabbed some facial wash. "Hey, make sure to wash yourself too." He smiled and began to wash his face, massaging the wash into his face. He smiled and rinsed it off, smelling the axe body wash, chuckling as he noticed that Kanan was washing himself. "Smells good as always love." He grabbed a handful of meiloorun scented shampoo and put a nickel amount into his hand due to the lesser amount of hair and began to wash his hair.

Kanan chuckled, washing his hair with his axe shampoo. Once Ezra rinsed out the shampoo, Kanan did the same and turned off the water. He got out and hands Ezra the blue towel and he took the red towel, drying themselves off. Ezra got dressed into his pajamas and tossed his towel into the hamper along with Kanan.

Kanan smiled. "You lay down in bed and I will go make us that tea." He whispered, kissing Ezras cheek and left to the kitchen.

Ezra chuckled and looked into the mirror, noticing his undereye bags and sighed. He grabbed some of his anti puff cream, noticing the higher amounts of sun caused his skin to puff up a bit. He massaged the cream into his face and grabbed black bag cream and massaged it under his eyes, looking through his items that Sabine gave to him, putting on a face moisturizer and an acne cream before rinsing his face and dried it off with a towel. He nods and yawned, going to the bed and sat on the edge, looking over as Kanan walked in with two mugs of tea and their holo projector.

Kanan hands him a mug of tea and placed his mug down onto his table and set up the holo projector. "Comedy movie?"

Ezra nods and laid back on the bed, resting his back against the wall and sipped his tea, smiling. "This is really nice Kanan, maybe this is the date we needed.."

Kanan nods. "I agree Ezra." He sat next to him, back against the wall and sipped his tea. Keeping a hand on Ezras thigh and caressed it with his thumb, bringing comfort to his lover.

Ezra smiled in response and sipped his tea. "This tea is really nice Kanan, thank you." He kissed his cheek and rested his head on Kanans shoulder, setting his tea to the side and pulled the covers over their legs and watched the holo with them, he closed his eyes a bit, struggling to keep them open.

Kanan noticed and chuckled, turning the holo off and kissed his cheek. Using the force to turn the light off and looked over at his lover who was passed out, snoring softly against him. He smiled and laid down with him, holding Ezra close who curled against him. "There we go, I'm glad we had this date.." He kissed his forehead and closed his eyes, slowly falling asleep with his lover.

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