chapter thirty six

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He moved his lips softly against my own as if testing the waters waiting for me to shove him away. But the sparks that flew across my body and the way my legs turned to jelly was enough of an indicator. So I wrung my hands around his neck and gave in to the kiss. Kissing him slowly as he ran his tonuge across my bottom lip making me gasp. Unfortunately though my gasp wasn't the only thing heard as Little Miss Annoyance cleared her throat disrupting us and making William groan against my lips as he pulled away.

He looked me in the eyes his face just inches from mine ,a smile playing on his lips as the black glitter in his eyes swirled around captivating me and making me break out into a wide grin.

"Well Alexseya as I was saying.."
Aubrey tried to continue what she was saying but William turned to her cutting her off swiftly.

"That's enough for today Aubrey. We'll leave now. Goodnight"

He opened my door for me as I slipped in and he rounded the car to his own door as Aubrey snickered in her spot.

She smirked at me but directed her words at William before she  quickly added.
"The truth has to come out one day Will"

And despite the pounding of my ears and the unmistakable feeling of being in the clouds I still heard her loud and clear followed by the slamming of Will's door and the roaring of the car engine.

The car ride home was silent execpt for our own harsh breaths. I wish I could say it was a comfortable silence but it wasn't even close.

He came to a slow stop in front of the house and I made a move to leave the car not wanting to embarrass myself any further in front of him.

Just as I turn to leave though Will grabs onto my wrist sending electric shots up my hand and I shudder before turning to him.

I had expected him to be looking at me but instead his eyes are still glued forward and I watch as his jaw clenches and unclenches before he licks his lips and speak.

"I was uhm wondering if you wanted to go for dinner tomorrow night."

My lips parted in surprise and I raised my eyebrows at him.

His face falls as he notices my face and  he turns away .

'Uhmm ,I mean sorry ,I forgot I had a um meeting tom.. "

"I'll love to."
I have no idea why I said that but when his head snaps back in my direction, I give him a soft smile and he returns it with a wide grin which he quickly covers up with a cough.

"So tommorow night at 7."

"Tommorow night at 7."
I smile at him and his shoulders drop.

I turn to leave but just as I'm about to open the door I remember something.

Turning back to him with my brows pulled together I find him already staring at me.
My cheeks burn abit and I'm sure I'm slightly pink but I brush away tht embarrassment for now.

"Earlier Will,Aubrey was talking about some truth what did she mean?"
I realized as some as the last words left my mouth that I shouldn't have asked
His expression instantly changes and the air in the car becomes 5 degrees colder.

Will shifts his gaze away from me and then turns to leave the car as he jumps off he let's out only two words.

"Its nothing."

And of course I know his lying he couldn't have made his lie anymore feasible.

The next morning comes soon enough and I couldn't be more nervous. Last night everything came tumbling down on me the realization that I had kissed William. I kissed Will,my boss!scared the hell out of me. What in the world was I thinking and what in the world was he thinking asking me out.
At first I thought I had dreamed it but when he left the house this morning declaring he will be picking me up at seven I knew I wasn't.

But there has been one thing lingering in the back of my mind and that has been Aubreys words. I know I shouldnt let it bother me as she had been nothing but a awful person to me yesterday but I can't help but wonder about what she said.

Evening came soon enough and as William promised he was here at exactly 5 minutes to 7. I opened the front door to see him standing there in a completely different suit than the one he went to work in and he had a bouquet of flowers in his hand.

My heart instantly began to flutter. Honestly I have no idea why I feel this way towards Will but I do, and  it's scary cause by feeling this way I know that I am allowing myself to be open to the chance of being hurt but I can't help it. Call me an idiot but the way my eyes search for him and my stomach turns when he gets close is enough for me.

I smile at him and he let's out a breath almost as if he himself was as nervous as me.
After leaving the flowers inside I close the door behind me and join Will in his car.


🙈okay okay ik there is no amount of apologies I can give for this extremely late update like I am so so sorry guys its been so so long ik and I'm sorry

I had a major writer's block but guys I'm back and determined to finish this book for u guys let me tell u to vote and stay tuned cos the next chapters is going to be what u guys were waiting for from the beginning *squeals of excitement 😁*

Okay okay guys sorry again

Dont forget to
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