chapter twenty two

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"What do you mean?"

I was shocked and paralyzed as I looked at the man before me digesting his words.
Asher simply shrugged at my response and continues.

"When I came across them at first I was a bit spectacle but after i looked a bit closer I saw the changes. It was done by a professional I can tell but I had been through proberly a thousand or more marriage certificates in my short time on the job so I can tell."

"So Brad was lying to me from the moment I woke up"

"I think so and what confirmed my suspicions was when I asked the docter my friend Dr.Henderson who we treating you at the time he said that Brad had only brought in the certificate around a month after you was addimited they let it go seeing as he was a grieving husband. "

His words created a stir in my mind and I instantly felt my stomach begin to twist at the realisation. I looked wide eyes at Asher before I jolted from my place grabbed my stuff and began to walk away.



I turned around

"Asher I'm grateful I really am but I need to be left alone for a while please"
I all but begged him and he sighed in defeat and pulled a card out of his pants pocket before handing it to me.

"If you need any help don't hesitate to call me Alexseya"

I nodded my head and began to walk again I don't know where I was going but I needed out of here. Away from people for a while away from the noise, some where I could think straight.

I soon found my self away from the city after about an hour's walk and I stared at the forest on the side of the road I was walking on.

I stood there observing the cars that passed by every minute and the honk that came with it. The city noise that was still pretty audible from here and before I could rethink my stupid idea I already was at the foot of the forest.

I opened my small purse and pulled out the cheap red lipstick I always kept in there incase of an emergency.

As I made my way into the forest I began to mark every few trees with a number starting at one. By the time I was at number twenty three I could no longer hear the traffic or noise from the city and I sighed and relaxed.

Just as I was about to take a seat on the roots of the looming number twenty three tree a speck of blue in the opening between the trees caught my eye.

I pushed away the thick barrier created by the trees veins and leaves and the moment I stepped out I let out a gasp at the sight before me.

A lake rested a few feet away and the shore was covered in pebbles and glassy stones like marbles which shone in the sun.

If I hadn't just pinched myself two minutes ago I would have thought this was all a dream. I slowly slipped out of my shoes and walked to dip my toes on the shoreline.

The moment my toes made contact with the water I smiled. It was cold but it was comforting it quickly encased my toes and soon enough I was ankle deep in. Now I know this was dangerous and really stupid but I couldn't help myself as sat down my entire lower half drenched in water now.

As I sat there staring out into the lake I couldn't help but notice the deep blue colour of the water, kind of like the eyes of someone I know and for some reason that thought kept me calm.

This means that all this year's when I was begging for a divorce from Brad and questioning my past sanity for marring a craze like him it turned out he was lying all along. I could have gotten away sooner if I wanted. I could have saved my self from some scars and nightmares that still stay with me till today.

I woke up and looked around the area in the far left side and found a spot that was blessed with the sun's rays thanks to an opening in the trees. I began to walk over there and lowered down allowing myself to dry in the sun.

When I woke up I was surrounded in dim light and I quickly pulled out my phone and checked the time which read 6:13. Crap!

Gathering my stuff I turned my flashlight on grateful for my obsesiveness of keeping it fully charged at all times.

Tree number twenty three
Twenty two







And one
I'm a genius
A genius without a job in a few minutes.

Once I got out signal was restored again and I cussed at the sixteen missed calls from bossman with three voice mails three missed calls from Helen  (she's one the helpers incase you guys forgot)and two from Camron.

I quickly called a cab and got in giving him the address.
Since I have about twenty minutes to my room let's listen to how exactly badly I'm screwed.

First voicemail from Mr. Clark

"Ms.Grey I think I made it clear that I will not tolerate any nonsense from you. I've already calls you three times and if you dont call me back in the next five minutes consider your job gone."

Shit! I'm such an idiot.

"Alexseya this is the tenth time I've called where the hell are you? You know what don't bother Ms.Grey to return you're fired!"

Oh God no please you know how much I need this job and I dont even have any place to stay.

"Alexseya please... just forget about what I said the last time just ...just come back...please."

Soo....that means I'm off the hook. Yeah right.

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