chapter thirty three

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Her pov

As I settled down into the plane  I couldn't help but let my thoughts wonder back to the place it has been for the past few days. After William made the spontaneous declaration that he liked me I couldn't help but be shocked.

He hardly ever spoke to me and it wasnt like he was extra nice to me the entire time I worked here. Instead he was cold and closed off and he could actually pass as someone who hates me. So I was pretty stunned when he dropped that bomb on me. 

The week went by fast after he had hired caterers for the Friday dinner and even though we didn't speak about his confession I noticed that he has been somewhat nicer to me. Like when he asked me to join him at the table to eat on Saturday or when he got me the brand new Huawei phone since mine was cracked or even when he helped me up the plane stairs since my foot was still hurt.
Lincoln and his daughter had turned up to the dinner as well and I certainly didn't miss the scowl William threw at him. He had continued to thank me every chance he got which wasn't much as William seemed intent on keeping him away. I spent most of the dinner in my room with Skyler, Lincoln's daughter who said the dinner was too boring. She is such a sweetheart and I found myself wishing that if I ever had a daughter she should be as sweet and adorable as her.  She had also told me that her mom had left her and I think my heart broke when I heard a kid as little as her say something like that. Lincoln later exchanged numbers with me and suggested that one day we could catch dinner to which I agreeded. I mean who wouldn't, the guy is hot.

I grabbed me seat belt as the airhostess advised and strapped it on tight getting myself ready for landing. Just as my nails began to dig into the armrest  someone unbuckeled my seatbelt and I looked up wide eyed but before I could protest William lifted me in his arms and pulled me down with him as he sat. I was straddling him on his seat and I opened my mouth to deny his help but a jolt of the plane had my arms wrung tightly around his neck as his hand hesitantly wrapped around my waist. I tensed as his finger landed on some exposed skin where my shirt had ridden up. Heat flared up my body from his simple touch and I gasped, blowing hot air against his neck. With my simple careless action I heard William suck in a breath amd my eyes widen at the realization of the effect I had on him. He really did like me.

I pulled back to look William in his deep blue eyes and I found it darken to the extenet of a shade of black. He was stating intently at me and I gulped as the air around turned hot and my body began to heat up with it. When his gaze didn't leave my face I brought my tongue out and ran it across my dried bottom lip self consciously only to avert his eyes to my lips. His eyes stayed glued to my lips and I watched as his Adams Apple bobbed in his throat as he gulped.
I let my own eyes travel to his full pink lips and slowly against my own common sense I began to close the distance between us as he was doing.

Our breaths mingled with each other as our noses brushed each other. There was a hairs width between us and not being able to tolerate the torture anymore I leaned forward...

"Sir we are now back in the New York City Airport. You can remove your seatbelts and we hope you had a lovely flight."

We both jerked back as if been burnt and I scramble of his lap to my feet only to shreik in pain as I put extra pressure on my injured foot.

My eyes burn from the unexpected pain and I clench my teeth to control any more moans of pain threatening to escape.

Taking deep breaths I wait for the pain to pass and just as I find it fine to unclench my jaw I notice the arms wrapped around my waist and under my knees. My eyes shoot up in shock to see William stoic face as he holds me close to his very toned chest and carries me of the plane.

For a moment I allow my eyes to analyse his sharp jaw line where a slight stubble is beginning to grow. I found myself appreciating his cleanshaven face at that moment. A beard made him look damn hot and way more intense than normal but his clean face showed of his sharp jaw line and the muscles that worked there when he clenched his jaw which by the way was a great telltale of his anger.

I snapped out of it when he placed me gently in the car. His eyes lingered on me for a while before he blinked and shook his head slightly offering me a soft smile. That was also something his being doing since the confession. (Yeah I'm calling it the confession deal with it) his been offering me soft sad smiles and honestly it's beinging to creep me out.

Pigs don't fly
Dogs don't talk
Cats eat fish
Cheetahs run fast
Batman has Robin
Hardin loves Tessa

And William doesn't smile.
It's as simple as that ,so what the hell went wrong?


My head shot in his direction to see him staring at me expectantly,  those blue eyes piercing me and I clear my throat.

"Um sorry I wasn't paying attention. "

He nods at me and throws me a soft smile again. Bloody hell!

"What were you thinking about?"


"Just stuff."

He turns to face me fully in his seat and I lean back creeped out a bit.

He looks me in the eye and I gulp.

"There's a dinner a relative of mine is having and I was wondering if you would come with me. "

I looked at him shocked Dinner.  With him. Uhhh. Nope,but when I saw the expectant ,guarded look in his eyes ,I held myself back. For some reason this extremely hot and good looking man seems to like me and I can't deny that I'm attracted to him because it's quite obvious . Not wanting to disappoint him I answer with a smile.

His eyes light up and for a minute I'm stunned.

"Really ?"
I not my head at him. And guess what people?

Pigs do fly
Dogs do talk
Cats don't eat fish
Cheetahs can't run to save their lives
Batman never met Robin
Harry hates Tessa (thou we all know that's impossible.)

And William Clark just fricken grinned at me.


Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter I know it's quite uneventful and I'm sure there's thousands of typos but fogive me. I'm going back to school tomorrow after almost five months at home and I really don't wanna go back so sad right now.

Anyways thoughts on the chapter?

Burger or pizza?

Don't hate on me but I gotta say burger,you guys?

So pleasssseee

Peace out peps.

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